Ch. 30 Covering Up

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November 5th, 1984
Byers House

"This'll work." Hopper stated as we stood in front of the old shed behind my house. "Help me empty it out and have the others get some sheets to cover the walls. Will can't be able to recognize where he is." He stated as he threw open the door and went inside the shed.

Quickly making my way back inside, I found that everyone had walked back into the kitchen to wait for Hopper's decision.

"We need sheets to cover the walls, and then we'll need help setting up the shed, make it look unrecognizable to him." I said to Jonathan and Nancy while Steve made his way outside to help Hop. While Dustin, Lucas, and Mike stood from their seats at the table. "What can we do?" They asked at the same time.

"Stay inside?" I said awkwardly as Nancy and Jonathan left to gather the supplies for the shed. "What? No way." Lucas groaned while Dustin crossed his arms over his chest.

"If things are about to get serious, in other words dangerous. You guys shouldn't be around." I stated while Mike shook his head. "You know we know how to handle this. Besides, if we stayed out of the situation, no one would know what's going on in the first place."

Letting out a sigh of frustration, I nodded in agreement. "Okay, you aren't wrong. But now your help is needed in here, okay? You guys help by keeping watch and make sure Will doesn't wake up."

"Fine by me." Max stated with a smirk before walking into the living room. "If we need more help, I'll get you guys but for now this is all we need from you."

"Nell, let's go." Jonathan stated as he and Nancy walked into the kitchen, their arms full with sheets and tarps. "Just keep watch." I stated one last time before turning around to open the door for Jonathan and Nancy.

With the three of us walking towards the shed, I found that Steve and Hopper had made a massive junk pile in the middle of the backyard out of the boxes and equipment we left in the shed.

"Whoa! Careful!" I yelled at Hop as he threw a box full of my old art supplies on the ground. Next was the sound of a small table smacking into the pile. "We don't have time for careful." He stated as he went back inside the shed.

Rolling my eyes I grabbed a sheet from Jonathan and walked towards one of the windows while Nancy went inside the shed after Hopper.

"So you and Steve..." Jonathan muttered while I stapled the edge of the sheet over the window. "Jonathan, I really don't wanna argue right now." I stated, pulling the sheet tighter over the window.

"Me neither." He nodded, awkwardly shifting on his feet. "It's just crazy." He spoke again causing me to roll my eyes.

"Just as crazy as you and Nancy." I joked as I stapled the other side of the sheet. "Yeah but Nancys different. I mean Steve is okay, but he's... you know, Steve Harrington." He stated as I grabbed another sheet from him.

"Hey, he's different too," I mumbled as we walked towards the side of the shed. "So, are you two like together now?" His question caused me to shrug as I pulled the sheet over the window.

"I don't know. We haven't exactly had a chance to talk about it. A Shadow Monster and Demo-Dogs have kinda been in the way."

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