Ch. 8 The Haunting of Creel House

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(TW: Abuse - First few paragraphs)

(TW: Abuse - First few paragraphs)

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March 25th, 1986
Hawkins, Indiana

That sudden pain throbbed in my wrist again, pulling my attention away from the road that lingered outside the car window and onto my wrist. Dragging my eyes over the skin, with a blink of an eye the world suddenly shifted; melted away, and was replaced with another memory. Fighting to close my eyes I was forced to look up into the cold eyes of Lonnie as he latched a hand on my wrist.

His grip on my wrist tightens suddenly as he pulls my smaller hand closer to him, his eyes trained on the ring that was placed on my thumb. The ring barely fit but I once found comfort in the small band of metal. "Where'd you get this?" He questioned me, tugging on my wrist forcefully, pulling a quiet wince from me. "I- I don't know..." I had whispered, it wasn't a lie. I'd had it for as long as I could remember.

"Eleanor, what have I said about stealing?" He scoffed, glaring down at me before releasing my wrist, allowing my left hand to quickly cradle my red wrist. "I didn't steal it, I swear. A friend gave it to me." A pleaded sadly, holding a pinkie up to my father only for him to push my hand away before searching for something in the pocket of his jeans.

"You know what happens to girls with sticky fingers..." He muttered under his breath, pulling his red lighter out of his pocket. "Papa... Please, no." I cried out, moving to run away from him but he quickly grabbed back onto my wrist, pulling my right hand towards him. "Jonathan! Jonathan!" I screamed as he clicked the lighter, a blue flame emitting from it.

"We're here." Nancy called out as she parked the car. Snapping my head towards the front of the car I found that Nancy and Robin had turned around in their seats to look back at the party before directing their gaze on the house that rested on our right.

"House... A big house..." I winced under my breath, pinching the bridge of my nose in the hopes of relieving the tension that grew there. The house almost looked a little too familiar as I peered out the window that rested behind Steve. It wasn't as devastated as the one Max had drawn but it was still pretty run down.

That sharp pain sliced through my head, causing me to quickly drop my head and look down at my lap as I felt something drip out of my nose. "Rocket... it has a slide..." Taking in a shuddered breath, I wiped the blood away from under my nose before looking out my window, finding an abandoned playground and resting in the center was a rocket slide.

Why have I been here?

Clicking the door open, Steve helped Dustin and Max out of the car before holding a hand out for me to grab. Narrowing my eyes, I pushed myself out of the car and past him, refusing to offer him a second look because I knew if I did, I would fall apart.

"Yeah... That's not creepy." Steve muttered as we came to a stop behind the rest of the group as they stared up at the boarded-up home, instinctively he tugged me into his side, and out of habit I didn't fight it. "Anyone got a hammer?" I mumbled, shooting a look between Nancy and Dustin.

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