Ch. 13 Out of Time

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A Place Out of TimeanaidnI ,snikwaH

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A Place Out of Time
anaidnI ,snikwaH

Peering over my shoulder, I grew dizzy as I looked down at the steep drop that rested behind me, the stairs had been ripped out of what was once had been a grand home. It was Creel house, only it was Vecna's version of it. Desolate and destroyed just like everything else in this dark world he had created.

Instinctively, I reached out to grab onto the railing of the staircase only to flinch away as my hand landed on a black vine that tightly wrapped itself along the railing. Wiping away the film that coated my hand, I carefully moved down the destroyed staircase, looking up at the angry red sky that stared back down at me, black clouds and debris of wood and stone floated around the broken home.

It was as Max had originally drawn it only now the pieces weren't put back together with scotch tape. A true representation of a broken home. Reaching the ground floor, I watched as an old grandfather clock floated above me, its distorted chime echoing around the vacant space. "Fascinating how one allows guilt to fester..." Vecna called out, somehow managing to end up behind me, but this was after all his world. He was everywhere.

Turning to face the man, I stumbled back away from his looming figure, flinching as I took in his horrifying appearance. "And yet, you much of it. You were almost too easy to reach but then again... you aren't like the others, are you?" He questioned but I was hardly listening as I pulled my eyes away from his grey, cloudy one and onto his grotesque form. His body was made out of the vines that made up the Upside Down, and yet something about him was strangely human.

He didn't look like he should be alive.

"You've been looking for me." He mumbled, taking a step closer to me causing me to narrow my eyes but I stood still in my place. "Said you were missing something." He repeated the words that I had uttered not so long ago. "So smart and yet so blind to everything I've shown you. After all, I've given you all the pieces... You just can't find it in yourself to put them together."

Watching as he reached a deformed, claw-like hand out, I flinched away from him as he tapped two fingers against my temple. "Guess I'll have to do it for you, hmm?" His voice grew distant as he tilted his head to the side, gesturing to the door that rested in front of us, only it looked as if it was glowing; like the sun was shining on the other side of the stained glass of a red rose.

In the blink of an eye, Creel house was back to normal like it had been taken back to a time before it was abandoned and left to rot away. The door was pushed open to reveal a man, a wide grin plastered on his face as he scanned his eyes over the home before moving to the side to reveal the structure to his family. "What'd I tell ya?" He had questioned as his wife and two children stepped into the foyer.

"Wow..." She had whispered with a pleased grin while the youngest of the children had hurried past her parents. "It's amazing!" She gleamed before moving to the staircase. "It's like a fairytale. A dream." She giggled before running up the staircase. "Alice, no running!" Her mother called out but the girl ignored the command, "It's so big!" She giggled from the top of the staircase.

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