Ch. 35 Underground

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November 7th, 1984
Outside The Byers Household

"Dustin I thought I told you not to let him fall asleep!" I stared down at Steve's unconscious body in shock before looking back up at the boy in question himself. "Well, you did..." He started, looking between me and then back down at Steve, "But he just looks so peaceful." Dustin finished with a conflicted grin.

"Guys, let's go! We can't waste any more time. Dustin and I will bandage him up in the car." Mike groaned from beside Max who was still dangling her brothers' car keys in her hand. "I'll drive!" She stated with a wide grin.

"Uh-no. Can you guys slow down for a second? First, Max, I can't just let you drive, I'll drive." I started earning a glare from Mike and Dustin. "You can't drive," Mike stated with a tone of disbelief. "Will said you almost crashed into the house." Dustin pointed out, earning a glare from me.

"Point is, I'm not putting a middle-schooler behind the wheel." I finished before turning to face Max. "I'm sorry, but I'm not backing down on this." I held my hand out for the keys she was clutching tightly onto.

Her eyes darted between the palm of my hand and the keys she held. "Maybe you can drive us home, but we might be short on time, so please, keys."

Letting out a huff of annoyance, Max handed over the keys reluctantly. "Alright, now we just have to deal with him," I stated as we all stared down at a bloody, bruised, and passed-out Steve. "We can leave him here?" Mike asked with a shrug of his shoulders.

"What? No, that's a terrible idea." Dustin stated, kneeling down next to Steve. "We could carry him?" Lucas asked from beside Max who nodded in agreement. "I say, Dustin and Mike, drag him to the car and the three of us get supplies." She stated with a grin as she crossed her arms and looked between the two boys.

"Why us?" Mike asked while Dustin nodded in agreement. "This is your plan, Mike." She stated with a shrug. "Why me, though?" Dustin asked looking up at me. "You let him pass out, sorry Dustin," I stated while Dustin rolled his eyes but didn't put up a fight.

"All right, now that we are all in agreement. I need you guys to get him into the car. Max, you get the gasoline. Lucas, find some rope, and I'll find us something to cover our faces."


If I were to tell anyone that I am a great driver, I would be lying. I always told my mom that it was just my test-taking anxiety that got in the way of me getting my license, a partial lie. But I guess desperate times call for desperate measures.

Sure, my turns are a little sharp and I might be going off the road a little but that's fine, it probably also doesn't help that I can't ever seem to take things slow.

"Jesus, Nell!" Lucas said from the passenger seat as we shot down the road, the tree's started to look like nothing but green blurs as we passed them. "I'm sorry but I really don't know what I'm doing," I stated, my grip on the steering wheel somehow becoming tighter.

"You should have just let me drive," Max stated from her place in the back. "She should have let anyone else drive," Dustin muttered. "All right, I get it. Just please, be quiet, I need to concentrate." A quiet groaning could be heard from the backseat.

Looking up into the rearview mirror, I spotted Steve slowly coming back to consciousness. He slowly turned to look at Dustin on his right and then towards Mike on his left. "Nancy?"

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