Ch. 53 Never Ending Story

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July 4th, 1985Starcourt Mall

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July 4th, 1985
Starcourt Mall

"You flung that thing like a Hot Wheel!" Dustin yelled out as the party made their way down the escalator, following close behind them were Nancy and Jonathan. "I guess you were right about that lead, huh?" I questioned her before pulling both of them in for a hug. "Sadly..." Jonathan mumbled to me as I pulled away from them, watching as Dustin moved to hug El who clung to Mike's side.

"Lucas!" Erica cheered happily, running up to her brother who stared at her with wide eyes. "What are you doing here?"  He sounded exasperated, waving his hands at her as he spoke. "Ask Nell. It's her fault." Erica pointed her thumb in my direction as I went to wrap my arms around El. "Absolutely my fault." I stated with a grimace as he met my gaze over El's shoulder.

"You are a terrible babysitter." His statement caused me to shrug my shoulders as I helped El back to Mike. "So I've heard."

"Wait." Robin's tone caused us to bring a halt to the reunion. "I don't understand what happened to that car." She stated, gesturing to the car that was currently smoking in the corner of the Food Court.

With everything that happened that night, Dustin was the first to figure that it was safe to let Robin in on the whole truth about our town. "El has superpowers." He stated simply, causing Robin's brow to furrow. "I'm sorry?"

"Superpowers. She threw it with her mind. C'mon, catch up." Steve brushed past her confusion, waving it off with the back of his hand. "That's El?" Erica questioned as she pointed at the silent girl. "Who's El?" Robin groaned. "I'm sorry who are you?" Nancy questioned, pointing a finger at Robin.

"She literally goes to school with us, Nance." I mumbled but Robin continued to introduce herself, "I'm Robin. I work with Steve." Robin grinned but Nancy only continued to stare the girl down.

"She cracked the secret Russian code," Dustin added in probably the most important fact. "Yeah, which is how we found out about the Russians." Steve added.

Jonathan looked between the four of us with wide eyes. "Russians? What Russians?" He questioned hurriedly. "Wait. You didn't know about the Russians?" I questioned the two teens that I had been separated from. "These Russians!" Steve yelled, waving a hand at the dead bodies behind us.

"Those were Russians?" Max pipped up in shock. "Some of them." Erica shrugged nonchalantly. "What are you even talking about?" Lucas yelled out, after having not understood a single thing that had come out of our mouths. It was after all a lot to take in, but somehow not the craziest thing we've encountered.

"Didn't you hear our code red?" Dustin questioned, looking up at Mike in confusion. "Yeah. Couldn't understand what you were saying." Mike spoke as if he was tired of repeating the same sentence. "Goddamn low battery..." Dustin muttered to himself. "How many times do I have to tell you with the low battery!" Steve yelled at the boy.

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