Ch. 3 Home Sweet Home

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March 22nd, 1986Somewhere in AmericaDestination: Hawkins, Indiana

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March 22nd, 1986
Somewhere in America
Destination: Hawkins, Indiana

"It'll be our little secret-"

Groaning softly to myself, I cupped a hand around my temple as the plane shook making my skull hit the window unexpectedly.

It took a moment for me to realize where I was, confused as to why I had been leaning against the wall of a plane until the events of my rushed morning washed over me. Stretching my arms out in front of me, mindful of the occupied seat.

Turning my head, my eyes instantly locked on the man who sat beside me. Flinching slightly in my place once I found that his blue eyes had already been trained on me. Offering the man an awkward smile, I slowly shifted my gaze away from the stranger.

"Welcome back, sleepyhead." The softness of his voice caught me by surprise and the fact that something about it was oddly familiar. "I was worried that I was going to have to wake you." He elaborated with a thin-lipped smile.

Shotting him a glance, I slowly nodded in response before laughing off my nerves, running my fingers through my hair. "Shit... Sorry, man." I offered half-heartedly with a small grin, something he was quick to return. "No need... Is everything all right? If I may ask." He questioned mindfully, a frown now playing on the edge of his lips.

"Yeah... No, yeah. My relationship with sleep these days has just..." I dragged off as I tried to find the proper wording, "Well, it's practically been nonexistent." I mumbled finally, watching as the blonde nodded in agreement, "Thank God for Spring break, huh?" He questioned jokingly.

His sarcastic yet teasing tone caused me to squint my eyes slightly up at him, he hadn't done anything wrong, it's just that... There was something oddly familiar about him.

"Something wrong?" He questioned his tone now strangely tense as I moved to quickly shake my head in response. "No, I'm sorry... It's just that you look familiar." I stumbled over my words trying to look for an explanation. "Are you from Hawkins?" I questioned.

I couldn't tell how I could possibly know him, he was older than I was. Not quite the same age as Mom but too old to have been in school with me. Hawkins was a small town, so usually, it wasn't this hard to place a name with a face, much less when I felt like I had already spoken to this man before.

"Mhm... Ran away as soon as I got the chance. Coming back to take care of a few things." His answer was simple enough and my mind could make enough sense of it, I'd probably seen him in passing years ago.

Nodding, I relaxed in my place as I turned to face him with a small smirk. "I can definitely understand that." I stated, pulling a small laugh from the blonde. "If you don't mind me saying, it looks like you're running back." His comment was oddly serious. How had his mood shifted so quickly?

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