Ch. 3 Promises

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November 8th, 1983
The Byers Residence

  "Alright guys, breakfast is ready." Jonathan said from his place in front of the stove, plating some scrambled eggs onto three plates.

   Walking towards the table he placed them on the emptiest spots that he could find, though that proved to be difficult as the multiple missing posters that we had created last night took up most of the space on the dining table.

   "What are you doing? No, be careful with the posters." Mom quickly stopped him, scared that the plates would somehow ruin the papers. "Mom, it's okay." I said, neatly stacking some of the posters, letting Jonathan put down the plates.

"No, it's not. I can't eat." Mom said with tears in her eyes, her voice barely audible as she pushed the plate away, replacing it with the stack of posters.

~Last night~

   Biking up to my house I didn't notice that the living room lights were still on until I made it up the driveway. Sighing, I laid the bike underneath the porch to protect it from the rain and made my way towards the front door.

   Shakily, I grabbed the handle and pushed the door open, only to be greeted by a stressed-looking Jonathan and our mother, who held a burnt phone to her ear, desperately whispering into it. I quietly shut the door behind me, pulling their attention away from the phone and onto me.

   "Where have you been?" Mom asked, making her way towards me, pulling me into a hug. "I just couldn't be inside anymore, I had to keep looking." I whispered to her, hugging her back just as tight.

   "No, you don't do that. Not now, not without leaving a note or something... we thought something happened to you too." She said, her voice growing louder as she pulled away from the hug to stare down at me.

   "We're just glad you're okay, come on let's get you out of these wet clothes," Jonathan stated, quickly pulling Mom's hands off of me and leading me down the hall.

  "Listen, I know you want to find him, but we need to do this together." I nodded, looking away from Jonathan. "It's just... I feel so guilty. This is my fault, Jonathan. This wouldn't be happening if I had just walked him home... I mean, I'm supposed to protect him and I let him down." I whispered, barely able to hear myself as I began to break down in tears.

   "You can't blame yourself, this isn't your fault... We need to stay strong, okay? We are going to find him, together."


   Sniffling, Mom grabbed onto Jonathan and I's hands, "Listen, the Xerox place opens in 30 minutes, I don't want you two going alone..."

   "Mom, we got it." Jonathan reassured her, letting go of her hand. "No. So, I'm gonna have Karen take you, 'cause I should stay here..." Mom jumbled her words as she spoke at a rapid pace, while Jonathon tried to calm her.

  "We need to make what 200... No, 300 copies? I mean how much is a copy now, ten cents? If we... I mean if they're-" "Mom, mom stop.." I whispered, placing a hand on her shoulder, "You can't get like this, okay?" Jonathan added, placing his hand back in hers.

   As Mom began to mumble an apology, a rapid knock sounded at the front door, which proceeded to be opened, revealing an exhausted and disheveled Chief Hopper. "We have been waiting six hours, Hop." He nodded, rolling his eyes slightly at my mother's frustration with him. "Yeah, I know. Came as soon as I could." He grumbled, closing the door behind him.

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