Ch. 6 If I Only Could

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March 24th, 1986Wheeler HouseholdThe Basement

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March 24th, 1986
Wheeler Household
The Basement

'Victor Creel Claims: Ancient Demon Killed Family
The Murder That Shocked A Small Community
Was It A Triple Homocide or Demonic Ritual?'

All the articles were the same, well practically the same. It felt like the information had been copied down and rewritten in the next article with a new headline slapped on it. It felt useless, sitting here and reading these old newspaper clippings from the fifties while we waited on Nancy and Robin for the next step in our plan.

Creel House wasn't a complete dead-end. According to the papers the bodies had been found in exactly the same way; eyes pulled out and their limbs broken. It had to be Vecna, but that was all the papers offered and nearly all of them deemed Victor a schizophrenic who had snapped. Can't imagine how he'll feel when we tell him this thing is back...

He had a wife and two kids, they had just moved into Hawkins and seemingly nothing was out of the ordinary about them. Picture perfect up until a few months later, the mother and daughter had been found dead while the son had died a week later. Guess this was the first bad thing to happen in Hawkins and they just covered it up, like everything else.

Groaning under his breath, Steve pinched the bridge of his nose before dropping his news clipping. "Okay, be honest... You guys understand any of this?" He questioned, pacing the ground that rested behind the small coffee table we sat at. "No." Lucas scoffed out with a furrowed brow while I reached for a new article. "Maybe?" I mumbled. "Pretty straightforward." Dustin shrugged.

"Straightforward, really?" Steve scoffed, coming to a stop behind my chair so that he could stare down at Dustin. "Well, what's confusing to you?" He asked politely while Steve rested a hand on my shoulder, clutching it tightly. "So far, everyone Vecna cursed has died except for this old Victor Creel dude Nancy found. He's the only known survivor. If anyone knows how to beat this curse, it's him." Dustin explained before Steve could voice his concerns.

"Yeah, that's assuming he even was cursed, which we don't even know." Steve informed him dully. "It's all we have to work with. Like Nance said, it's a shot in the dark but so far the shoe fits..." I mumbled awkwardly, placing my hand over his.

Nodding, Steve circled my chair to grab the paper I had replaced. "Yeah, but how can Vecna have existed in the '50s? It doesn't make sense." He questioned further which was true, the Upside Down wasn't connected until '83, so how did it bleed in? Why did it stop?

"Far as we know, Eleven didn't create the Upside Down. She opened a gate to it. The Upside Down has probably been around for thousands of years. Millions. I wouldn't be surprised if it predated the dinosaurs." Dustin explained quickly.

Squinting his eyes at Dustin's words, Steve quickly waved his hands out to stop the boy from going on any further. "Dinosaurs? What are we--" "Okay. Okay." Lucas cut him off before the two ended up wasting any more time that we didn't have. "If a gate didn't exist in the '50s, how did Vecna get through?" His question caused me to nod in agreement, "And how exactly is he getting through now?" I mumbled to the boys. "And why now?" Lucas continued.

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