Ch. 4 Mistakes Made

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November 8th, 1983
Harrington Household

The three of us stood timidly in front of the grand estate that was Steve Harrington's home. "How much does his dad make again?" I asked as I scanned my eyes over the house. Even though the home only stood two stories high, I couldn't help but feel slightly intimidated. "What does his dad even do?" Barb questioned as Nancy made her way up the few steps that led up to the front door.

"Who cares guys? Come on, don't be nervous." Nancy stated and turned to look at the two of us. "I'm not." Barb nodded and went to stand next to Nancy. "We're not nervous, maybe just anxious..." I mumbled the last part as I stood on the other side of Nancy. "If they try anything though, we're leaving. Okay?" I asked, the two girls quickly nodding in agreement before Nancy landed two firm knocks against the wooden door.

Not a second later, almost as if he had been standing on the other side of the door waiting for us, the two doors separated to reveal Steve Harrington who held a cocky smirk on his lips. "Hello, ladies." He greeted charmingly as his eyes scanned over the three of us.

Nancy grinned up at him as she made her way inside the house, well she practically skipped her way in while Barb followed behind like a nervous and scared puppy. I on the other hand took a second before walking in, looking for a reason to bail out on the party. Distraction from current circumstances or not, I shouldn't be here.

 "Nice dress, Byers." Harrington's voice broke my train of thought and inner torment on the situation. "Didn't think you'd show up." He commented with a quirked brow as I moved past him, scanning my eyes down the hallway behind him. "I'll tell Nance to wear it next time." I mumbled as he closed the door behind me, following close behind. 

"Alright, ladies. Pools just behind the glass doors and there are refreshments in the cooler." Once he finished his sentence he walked off somewhere into the house while the girls and I made our way to the sliding doors. "This place is so nice." Nancy commented, pulling on the handle of the glass sliding door. "Wouldn't expect less." I nodded with a  fake smile as Barb and I followed her out the door.

Tommy H. and Carol stood by the pool smoking and looked shocked yet pleased to spot the three of us behind the door. "Wheeler! What are you doing here? And on a Tuesday?" Carol mocked Nancy as she made her way up to the girl with a smirk gracing her lips.

"Decided to have some fun." Nancy commented plainly while Tommy H. walked behind Carol, throwing an arm around her. "Glad you could make it Nancy, even with the two weirdos." Tommy H. shot a sarcastic grin in the direction of Barb and me.

"Byers! You actually look like a chick tonight! Almost didn't recognize you." Carol commented, pulling at the side of my dress. "Yeah, I never realized you had tits." Tommy said with a grin only to earn a punch to the shoulder from Carol. "Never realized you were such a perv, Tommy." I stated with a roll of my eyes, quickly excusing myself from the group and moving towards the cooler with Barb following close behind while Nancy stayed and talked to the two preps. "That was strike one, yes?" I asked her before opening the cooler.

"Is it seriously just beer?" She asked, picking up one of the cans with a disgusted look on her face. "At least it isn't the cheap stuff." I retorted back before grabbing a can and popping the tab. Maybe Nance was right, this could take some edge off.

The look of contemplation in my eyes didn't go missed by Barb as she scoffed lightly at the idea of us actually drinking tonight. "Don't give me that look Barb. Come on, it's a party..." Offering a smile up at the taller girl, I quickly popped the tab before taking a sip of the drink. Grimacing slightly at the taste, I pushed through the slight burn before taking another sip.

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