Ch. 12 Down The Rabbit Hole

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March 26th, 1986The Upside DownanaidnI ,snikwaH

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March 26th, 1986
The Upside Down
anaidnI ,snikwaH

Kneeling by Nancy's bed, the five of us waited to see what exactly it was that Dustin had planned. The boy's instructions had been clear, but rather abrupt and short, telling us that he'd let us know when they were ready and where to meet.

So, we sat in silence, eyes nervously tracing around Nancy's room as we waited for any sign of the group on the other side. Until finally, the rushed and panicked voices of Lucas, Dustin, and Erica drifted through the air, cutting in and out of reality.

"-Let's go, hurry." Dustin mumbled as they entered the room, the group busying themselves with something that we couldn't see. "Come on..." Steve groaned from his place next to me, it felt like whatever they were doing was taking forever and only aided in spiking our nerves. What if this was all a waste of time and didn't work? "Okay, that's it... Go, go!" Dustin yelled at the siblings while we continued to look around the room for any sign of light.

"You guy's seeing this?" Dustin questioned as Steve dragged his flashlight over the surface of Nancy's bed, the faint glow of light from the other side was reflected back to us. Reaching a hand out, I traced my fingers through the air in front of us to see just how much space we had to work with.

They had definitely stolen Holly's Lite-Brite but we could apologize to her later. "Holy shit!" Erica called out while Dustin laughed in a mixture of shock and joy. Dustin's laughter continued to echo around us as I slowly pulled my hand away from the light. "We're not moving, but we're going to unplug it. Stand by." Dustin called out before mumbling something to Lucas that caused the light to dim and disappear out of sight.

"Okay... Try it now." Dustin called out as I traced my eyes over the empty space in front of us, the faint glow was once again replaced by the toxic particles that floated in the air. "Try it." Eddie mumbled from beside me before placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

Slowly nodding in response, I hesitantly dragged my hand through the air that had once been occupied by the glowing light. The air in front of my hand released a dull hum as the dim light resurfaced. Giggling softly to myself, I slowly dragged my pointer finger through the shimmer, writing a simple 'Hi.' since we didn't have much room to work with.

"Hi!" Dustin screamed happily while the siblings cheered in excitement before quickly returning the greeting. "That worked!" Dustin called out, allowing us to celebrate the small victory. "Yes! Yes!" Eddie chanted happily before yelling at the shimmering light, "Hi!"

Nodding to myself as we began to calm down, I slowly dragged my finger over the air again, chewing on my lip anxiously as I realized just how limited our communication was, we'd need to use small, simple words. 'STU-' I carefully wrote the letters before taking a moment to watch as they dimmed and disappeared into the air. "Stupid?" Lucas questioned, pulling a chuckle from me as I finished the message. 'CK.'

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