Ch. 52 Hidden In The Lines

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July 4th, 1985Starcourt Mall

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July 4th, 1985
Starcourt Mall

No keys, no car. No car; means no quick escape.

"So what are we supposed to do? Just book it out of the mall parking lot? Like that isn't suspicious." I whispered to Dustin and Erica from our place hurdled in the corner of the shaking elevator while Steve and Robin continued to laugh like maniacs in the background. "Hate to burst your bubble, Nell. But I don't think they're gonna be booking it anytime soon." Erica pointed out as she shot a glare at the pair over her shoulder.

"Exactly my point. We are screwed; for all we know, there could be a bunch of guards waiting for us behind those doors." I stated, pointing a stern finger at the metal doors in front of us. "Or the coast could be clear, then all we have to do is blend in... Get lost in the crowd."

Erica struggled to nod in agreement, "What crowd, genius? Hardly anything is open and we're in what's supposed to be a stockroom; meaning only employees come to this side of the mall."

Dustin shrugged awkwardly as the elevator came to an abrupt halt. "I said it cloud be. Give me a break..." He groaned before moving to open the elevator doors, Erica following close behind him. "Where are we going?" A voice questioned all too close to my ear, causing me to jump away and bump into someone else.

"Jesus, Robin... Stop doing that, please." I sighed, placing a hand on my forehead before pulling the two towards the doors as Dustin pushed them open.

The dark night's sky greeted us, a sky much like the one we had left behind when we first entered the elevator. It felt almost as if no time had passed, everything that surrounded us was exactly how we left it. All that had changed was us and what we now knew.

The two teens on either side of me gasped in delight as they stepped out of the elevator and into the loading dock of the mall, both staring up at the sky with wide eyes. "Oh my God... That tastes so good!" Robin grinned as she opened her mouth and tilted her head back as if to catch falling snow or rain. "Steve, can you taste the air?" She questioned the boy quickly, resulting in him mimicking her actions.

"You see any guards, Nell?" Dustin shot a sarcastic grin over his shoulder and we approached the locked gates of the exit of the dock. Rather than giving the young teen any satisfaction in being right, I rolled my eyes and kept my gaze locked on Steve and Robin. "I taste it! I taste it!" Steve cheered, his wide eyes darting between Robin and me.

"Oh, shit..." Dustin's silent swear caught me off guard, pulling my eyes away from the two teens, I spotted what worried him. Not too far from us; just behind the locked gates of the loading dock stood two guards armed and aiming their weapons at us. "Stop!" One of the guards yelled as the other used a key card to open the gate.

"Come on!" I yelled, pulling Steve and Robin out of their drug-induced haze. "Why are we running?" Robin questioned as we hurried back towards the mall with the guards yelling in Russian from behind us. "Just go with it!" I yelled as Steve fumbled with the door only to be pushed in by Dustin.

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