Ch. 38 Midsummer

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June 28th, 1985
The Byers Household

"It's such bullshit," Nancy stated as she paced around my bedroom while I read my textbook on electromagnetic fields. "Men are stupid, Nance. You'll prove yourself to them at some point." I droned on for what felt like the umpteenth time.

   "They won't even give me the chance. Hell, I shouldn't have to prove myself to them in the first place." Nancy continued to complain about her work environment before running a hand through her hair, loosening the tight curls. "And your brother doesn't even notice it. Or even try to help."

   "He's a guy, they don't notice anything unless it affects them," I stated marking the chapter I was on before placing the book onto my desk. "Can you stop pacing, you're making me anxious." I stood from my seat and placed my hands on her shoulders to stop Nancy in her place.

   "If it's so bad why don't you just find a new job?" I asked her as I slowly let her go, only for her to turn and start pacing again.

   "So that they'll what? Hire me to be the coffee girl at the next place I go?" Throwing her hands in the air, she sat on the foot of my bed, placing her head in her hands. "This is so stupid." She mumbled.

   "Remember when you said getting summer jobs would be a good idea?" I asked with a smirk.

   "Don't rub it in, Nell." She stated with a roll of her eyes. "I couldn't stand being a babysitter like you." Sitting next to her I shrugged my shoulders. "How is the Hawkins Post any better? They can't even deliver news properly."

    "I know, that's why I want to be a reporter. I could deliver the news that's actually important." Nodding in agreement, I placed a hand on her shoulder. "You'll prove yourself at some point, but until then, give 'em hell." I stated with a smirk while she rolled her eyes playfully.

   "I miss this, we barely hang out anymore." Nancy groaned, laying down on my bed while I looked down at my watch. "Maybe if you stopped spending all your time with my brother we could see each other more."

   The light coming from the lamp on my desk began to flicker before shutting off, as well as the light in the hall that peeked in from beneath my door. "Shit..." I mumbled before walking across the room to flip the light switch by my door. "What happened?" Nancy asked before looking out my window.

   "The lamppost is down too." She called out, taking a seat on my bed before all the lights suddenly turned back on again. "That was freaky," I mumbled, clicking the light on one more time.

   The sound of the front door opening and slamming shut made the two of us jump slightly in panic before Jonathan announced that he was home with a shout."He's so loud." Nancy mumbled, rolling off of the bed before fixing her hair in front of the mirror by the door.

   Nodding in agreement, I followed her to the door. "You should come over tomorrow, we could watch scary movies and talk trash about Jonathan," I stated as I grabbed the jacket off of my desk chair. "I heard that!" Jonathan called out from inside his room.

   "Quit eavesdropping!" I yelled back while Nancy opened my bedroom door. "Why are you both so loud? Jesus." She questioned with a grin as we both stepped out of the room and into the hallway.

   "Hey, Jonathan. Can I borrow your car for the night?" I asked with a bat of my eyelashes as I leaned on the doorframe while Nancy entered the room and gave him a peck on the cheek. "What, why?" He asked, loosening the red tie he had on. "Cause, I'm picking up Will from the mall. Unless you want to?"

   "No to both. The last time you took my car you scratched it." He stated with a scoff. "You can barely see it," I said with a groan as I crossed my arms. "And, I just got home. So, no. Why don't you just ask Steve for a ride?"

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