Ch. 27 More Than One

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November 4th, 1984
The Old Junkyard

"All right, losers. On to the bus." Steve stated as the five of us stood in front of the old broken down bus that now looked like it was from the apocalypse.

Max and Lucas made their way onto the bus first, followed Steve and me.

Once on the bus, I turned around to close the doors only to find Dustin still standing in the entrance, looking around the junkyard. "Dustin, what's wrong?" I asked, lightly tugging on his shoulder.

"Nothing, I just wish it didn't have to be like this." He mumbled and finally stepped onto the bus completely. "But, it's better that we find Dart than anyone else." He finished and sat in one of the rows of seats.

Nodding, I flipped the lever to close the door, submerging the bus into darkness, the only light now coming through the opened fire escape.

"So, what now?" Lucas asked awkwardly as he took a seat next to a bored-looking Max. "We wait." Steve stated, pulling out his lighter.

"For what, exactly?" Max asked with a roll of her eyes. "For a sign. I don't know." Steve groaned and shrugged his shoulders before flicking the lighter on.

"So, this thing that we're waiting for is Dustin's pet?" She asked looking between Dustin, Lucas, and I.

"He isn't a pet, he's a monster." Lucas stated, making his way towards the ladder, causing Dustin to jump up slightly in his seat. "But we don't know that completely."

"Dustin, he ate a cat and is from the Upside Down. I think we can classify him as a monster." I stated while Steve closed his lighter, cutting off the flame before flicking it open again.

"So you really fought one of these things before?" Max asked Steve.

Nodding, he lit the lighter again before snapping it shut. "And you're like, totally, 100% sure it wasn't a bear." She continued causing Steve to look up at her annoyed.

"Shit. Don't be an idiot. Okay? It wasn't a bear." Dustin groaned, standing up from his seat to pace around the walkway.

"Dustin." I groaned as Max glared at him. "No. Why are you even here if you don't believe us?" He continued, now glaring down at Max. "Just go home." He finished, shrugging her off and standing next to Steve.

"Geesh. Someone's cranky. Past your bedtime?" Max snarked back at him. Getting up from her spot and making her way up the ladder to join Lucas on the roof.

"That's good. Just show her you don't care." Steve smirked over at Dustin, who continued his pacing once Max was out of sight. "Steve, I don't think that's how it works."

"I don't." Dustin mumbled, stopping in front of the two of us. Smirking, Steve threw him a wink and flicked his lighter back on. "No, Steve. Don't do that. Stop winking." Dustin groaned and went back to pacing, this time further away from us.

   Grinning over at me, Steve closed his lighter again. "Are you planning on doing that the entire time?" I asked, looking over at the lighter in his hand as he flicked it back open.

   "Got a problem?" He grinned down at me, sparking the lighter again. "No. But, we might if you use up all the lighting fluid." I state, closing the lighter for him.

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