Ch.1 The Night Before

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November 6th, 1983
Hawkins, Indiana

    "Something is coming. Something hungry for blood. A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in darkness. It is almost here."

   I watched as the four boys sat tightly knit together over the small coffee table where their game board rested in a dimly lit basement, their focus and gaze laying solely on the game at hand.

   "What is it?" My little brother Will asked with a smile on his face, excited to discover what beast they would conquer next. "What if it's the Demogorgon?" The boy with a slight lisp asked to the left of my brother. "Oh, Jesus we're so screwed if it's the Demogorgon." The boy, Dustin, continued; quickly growing anxious. "It's not the Demogorgon." Groaned the boy in front of him. Smiling at the group I joined in Dustin's defense, "Well, we'll just see. Huh, Lucas?"

   "An army of Troglodytes charge into the chamber!" Mike raised his voice slamming the Troglodyte piece on the game board. "Troglodytes?" Dustin groaned in a bored tone while Lucas was quick to speak up, "Told ya, Nell." He called out with a sarcastic grin that I happily returned, "Yeah, yeah..." I mumbled.

   The boys laughed, while Will stayed on the edge of his seat. "Wait a minute..." Mike whispered, looking around the board. "Did you hear that?" He asked now looking over his shoulder as if he had heard something from behind him

   "That sound... Boom... Boom... Boom!" Slamming his hands on the table, Mike placed the Demogorgon piece with a loud thump. The boys jumped at the sudden bang causing me to laugh at how seriously they took the game.

    "The Demogorgon!" The boys all groaned before quickly turning to Will. "Will, what's your action?" Mike questioned with a quirked brow while Will continued to stare down at the board, fear, and confusion were written clear across his face.

   "Fireball him!" Lucas yelled at Will before motioning towards the board. "That's too risky!" Dustin groaned in response. "Cast a protection spell!" I tried to nudge him to continue playing but all Will could do was look between the three of us.

   "Don't be a pussy, fireball him!" Lucas called out again, causing me to nudge him, "Dude, language." I mumbled with a shake of my head.

    "Cast protection." Dustin repeated while Will placed his focus on the board.

    "The Demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering." Mike cut the boys off, "It stomps its way towards you. Boom!"

   "Fireball him!"
   "Cast Protection!"
   "Do something Will!"
   "Boom! Another stomp! Boom!"

   Will grabs the dice in a rush while the boys continued to yell around him, "Fireball!" Will yelled finally, throwing the dice hard against the playboard. Though with a bit too much force as the dice bounced off the table landing in different directions in the dark basement. "Oh shit!"

   "Where is it?"
   "I don't know!"
   "Is it a thirteen?"
   "I don't know!" 

   The boys jumped from their seats running towards where they thought the dice landed while I quickly went under the table to see if that's where one had landed. "Mike! Mike!" Mrs. Wheeler shouted from the top of the staircase crossing her arms. "Mom, we're in the middle of a campaign!" Mike groaned still looking for the dice at the bottom of the basement staircase.

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