Ch. 14 Pieces of a Puzzle

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November 6th, 1970Hawkins, IndianaHawkins National Laboratory

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November 6th, 1970
Hawkins, Indiana
Hawkins National Laboratory

A young girl sat perched on the edge of her hospital bed, her legs shaking from the anxiety that coursed through her veins. With every sniffle, her shoulders would rise; resulting in the oversized hospital gown slipping down one shoulder before she would dejectedly tug it back into place. Her hands repeatedly scrunched the material of the gown in a poor attempt to relieve the uneasiness that ate away at her gut.

The sound of the door to her room being pushed open caused her to jump in her place, wide eyes landing on her mother who stood awkwardly halfway through the door. Even a child could piece together that this meant her mother wasn't allowed in the room.

"Everything alright, honey? Tell mama what's got you all worked up..." Her mother's soothing voice calmed her rapidly beating heart. "I'm scared..." She sniffles out, watching as Joyce's gaze awkwardly bounced between her and whoever lingered outside the door.

"Hey... It's okay. There's nothing to be afraid of, okay? They just need to run a few tests. It's nothing to be worried about." Her words did little to soothe the girl as she quickly shook her head at her mother's words.

"Something's wrong... here. I don't like this place..." She admitted, whispering the last part out of fear that the wrong person would hear her.

Joyce's eyes filled with worry but her face scrunched in contemplation of what to do.

Turning her head to face whoever stood outside, the girl listened as her mother whispered desperately to them.

"I can only give you a minute." The voice was soft yet firm, holding the regret he felt from keeping a mother from her child. "That's fine... Just give me a minute and she'll be ready."

The door pushed open fully to reveal her mother's pregnant form. Carefully approaching her daughter, she smiled down at her sadly. "Hey... There's my strong girl."

Shaking her head again, her anxious hands moved to play with the hem of the maroon shirt her mother wore, the material just barely concealing the bump that rested there. "I don't like it here... Where's Jon-" Her mother hushed quickly, forcefully placing a hand over her mouth before she could say her brother's name.

Staring up at her with wide, worried eyes, she watched as her mother slowly crouched down in front of her, placing her palms over the hands that pulled at her gown.

"It's okay... It's okay." She whispered to her daughter, bringing a gentle hand up to her cheek to wipe away her tears. "I know... I'm sorry, but you can't..." Her mother struggled to find the words before taking in a sharp breath. "They just need to check a few things, okay? Then we can all go home..." She promised with a thin smile.

Staying silent, she watched as her mother moved to stand up straight, quickly latching her hands back onto her mothers before releasing a whine in protest.

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