Ch.5 Disappearance

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November 9th, 1983
Byers Household

Stumbling through the thick woods, my feet continued to lead me toward an unknown destination.

The air around me was thick and heavy, with noticeable debris floating around in the air. Burning my lungs as I breathed it in.

The trees behind me rustled before a low growl erupted from all around me.

Stumbling out from behind the woods, I realized that I had ran into the backyard of Harrington's House. Only it wasn't as grand as the night before.

The pristine white walls were now decayed, littered with black vines that spread from the dirt of the yard and up the walls. The same vines that seemed to decorate everything in this nightmare world.

A scream came from within the drained pool in front of me, causing me to jump but for some reason, I couldn't stop myself from walking toward the pool. Whether or not it was out of fear or curiosity, I couldn't tell. Maybe I wasn't even in control of my movements anymore.

"Help me!" The voice from the pool screamed before two hands grabbed onto the pool ladder and a body began to pull itself out of the decay.

"Barb?" I called out and ran towards her, but it seemed that she couldn't tell I was there. "Nell!" She screamed and tried pulling her body out of the pool but was stopped and pulled back.

   "Help me!" Barb screamed one last time before the air fell silent again. I stood in my place next to the pool, falling to the floor.

   Then from behind me, a low growl came from something that sounded inhuman and slowly turned around.


  I launched up from my spot on the bed letting out a quiet yelp, clutching my chest as I tried to catch my breath from the nightmare.  No more than a few seconds later Jonathan launched through my bedroom door still rubbing the sleep away from his eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked, looking around the room frantically in his dazed state.

   "It was just a nightmare. I'm sorry you can go back to bed..." I mumbled and combed my fingers through my messy and slightly tangled hair. Shrugging off the comment, he leaned against the doorframe, combing his hand through his own tousled hair. "I didn't hear you come in last night. How was the party?"

   "Lame. All they did was chug two beers and then go swimming in their clothes. It was pretty boring." I said thinking back to last night. Slowly the memory of me running back home flashed through my mind, shrugging off the memory, I was quick to change the topic.

   "So, how was Dad?" My question hung in the air as Jonathan rolled his eyes before taking a seat at the end of my bed. "Useless as ever. Said he misses us and all that bullshit. Wants you and I to move into the city when we graduate."

   "As if." I chuckled lightly at the thought, though I slowly came to a stop as a quiet mumbling could be heard coming from the room next to mine.

Wills room.

   "Will? Honey, it's Mom." Jonathan and I looked between each other before jumping off of the bed, and running toward the door. "Honey, it's me. Just talk to me." Mom continued to whisper frantically from down the hall. 

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