nishimura riki - the only

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note: yandere!ni-ki au; angst

a/n: (I know, not very creative, but I've had this in my head for so long)

tw: mentions of blood and gore; graphic stuff, general creepy shit; angst

729 words

- linden

Your breaths were hushed as you stared at your phone screen. It was a bright glow in the darkness, and your eyes hurt from the light.


nisco: why are u so annoying~

you: all of a sudden?

nisco: idk

nisco: I like the way u play with your hair, it's annoying.

you: that's the biggest contradiction ever

nisco: 😁

[today - 2:30 am]

nisco: y/n

you: are u okay? why are you texting me at two in the morning?

[nisco is typing...]

You drew in a deep breath. Something was off.

Your fingers flew across your screen as you typed. But you found yourself stopping cold when you saw the message that showed up on your screen.

nisco: that girl in our class confessed to me after school today. help me. I don't know what I'll do to her.

A chill ran through your bones, and your tongue stuck to your palate as your mouth went dry. It only took you a second to go downstairs and throw on a coat and shoes, still in your pajamas and not caring if you woke up your family. And as you left and locked the house, you for once found yourself not scared of what awaited you in the darkness. You were too focused on finding your best friend.


You paced around in front of your house as you waited for an answer. The night was warm for early spring, but the slight chill that dashed across your face felt like a creature, lurching to consume you.

Finally, your phone pinged.

nisco: I'm at school

nisco: I think I brought her here...i can't remember how

you: wait for me! Stay away from her! Self control ni-ki!

You walked as you typed, your fingers shaking. But soon you found your body succumbing to a run. Your legs were burning, but you didn't feel as if you were going anywhere, as if you were running in slow motion. Yet, familiar buildings showed in the darkness as you ran. Turn after turn. Dark little path after dark little path.

It was a wonder you hadn't fallen yet, but soon you found yourself standing in front of the looming shape of your school.

You wanted to crumple over, gasping for air, but you forced yourself forward. "Ni-ki!" You croaked. Then louder, "NI-KI"

"Y/n!" You heard rough gasping and a body slammed into you. You felt the familiar touch of your best friend, Nishimura Riki. You breathed in his scent. Lavender...but...

You tried to draw away, but his grip tightened on you. "No..." he whimpered.

Your breathing had slowed but it started to pick up again. You were too late. It was blood, there was blood on his hands, in his hair. "Ni-ki what did you do to her..." your voice was small and tears pricked your eyes. Ni-ki burrowed his blonde head in the crook of your neck, and his warm breath swept across your skin. You felt something wet, and this time it was tears, not blood.

"I snapped her neck." Ni-ki whispered. Goosebumps raised on your skin. Such words shouldn't be coming from an innocent being such as him.

He continued, "I scratched her face until she bled, I..I broke her legs..." Ni-ki's voice cracked, and you stared into the darkness, the horror not abandoning you.

This was ought to happen. You knew it. You knew it from the beginning. From the moments you saw him repressing it. Repressing himself from hurting those who loved you, and those who loved him. You knew it since he told you. All of it pent up, and finally, he'd killed someone.

"I'm sorry." He cried against your skin, fingers still clutched onto your body like a vice. You hugged him back more gently, your hands shaking, and tears still spilling from your eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm the only one for you, and you're the only one for me. I'm sorry," Tears still spilled like a raging river from Ni-ki's eyes, and your eyes burst forth with all they had.

You couldn't contain the horror.

You couldn't contain the horror.

"I'm scared, Ni-ki." You whispered.

He removed his head from your neck, and instead pulled you into his chest, placing his face in your hair.

His voice came out soft, like something broken and trying to cry for life:

"I know."

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