nishimura riki - frenemies

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note: high school!au

a/n: I have hamlet journaling and annotations  to do for Ela, but I like u guys better :)) also, what do you call friends' parents, or friends of your parents? I'm indian and we call them auntie and uncle. Ik they're Japanese but I'm putting that into the story if that's okay ^-^

tw: (a kinda gory simile near the end)

1958 words

- linden

You and Nishimura Riki weren't exactly friends.

Your feet hit the worn brick sidewalk hard as you jumped, "Please! Give it back, Riki!" Up above your head the blonde haired boy gladly held up your textbook, keeping it out of your reach. You went on your tippy toes to reach it before jumping again, but he twirled around so his back was to you. You tried to dart around him, but he avoided you and fumbled with his bag, which hung around his shoulders in the front, to shove your book in. Once he'd succeeded, he moved his backpack to his back and took of running. "Riki!" You called after him.

You wanted to wearily plop down right there in the middle of the school grounds, but you took off after him under the cool shade of the greenery that encircled the brick road.

Ni-ki eventually stopped, but it was just another game of keep away when you reached him. "I need it for school." You suddenly felt on the verge of tears. "Please."

The smile on Ni-Ki's face faltered for a minute when you stopped jumping. He watched in silence as you let your backpack fall off of your back and heavily to the ground. You then joined it with a big sigh. He looked down at you as you pulled your knees to your chest and mumbled under your breath, "Why do you enjoy torturing me so much...?"

Ni-ki moistened his lips and crouched down next to you. You glanced up at him with your eyebrows furrowed. He pouted when you looked away and asked him, "What do you want from me, Riki?"

He didn't answer for a moment, and the only sound was leaves rustling in the wind and the giggles of children in the distance. Then, he opened his mouth to speak, "Nothing." He simply replied.

"Then leave me alone."

Ni-ki's eyes widened a little in an innocent look, then he shook his head and his lips twitched up into a little smile, "Never." He got up, dropped your book by your feet and walked away.

It didn't help that, along with his antics and unquenchable desire to bother you, his mom and your mom got along as if they'd known each other since birth even though they'd only known each other for five years tops.

"What's with all the food?" You asked when you came downstairs after doing your homework. You'd only come down for a snack and there was an entire three course meal laid out on the table with desert in the process of being made. "The Nisimuras are coming over." Your mom smiled sweetly at you, but you had to fight the urge to whine like a little kid.

"Auntie and Uncle are nice but I really don't want to interact with Ni-ki today." You refrained from calling him by his first name as your mom would tease you (you're 'frenemies' after all). "He took my textbook yesterday and I nearly cried." You pouted as you sat on a barstool. "I needed it for my homework. I only had yesterday to complete it. And today I did all I could to avoid him, but he found me anyway, and-" You stopped telling your life story to your mom when you remembered the innocent look in his eyes, and the not-so innocent way his hand had brushed over your waist.

Your mom looked at you in confusion when you stopped speaking. Your skin suddenly felt hot and something swirled in your stomach. "Y/n, are you okay?" Your mom asked.

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