park sunghoon - easy [part two]

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a/n: i literally have nothing better to do with my life than use kpop idols as characters

tw: cursing; mentions of drunk

- linden

Still slightly drunk, Sunghoon wavered as you walked hand in hand down the hotel hall. With his other hand he fixed his hair. The suit jacket that had caused his discovery was now placed warmly over your shoulders since you were dressed in nothing more than pajamas.

"So where should we go now?" You sighed. "Your hotel room?"

Sunghoon moistened his lips. "Not unless you want my grandmother to see you and get the wrong idea."

"So that's not an option." You leaned your head against his shoulder and let out a breath. "Why are we walking anyway?"

"I dunno." He stopped walking and stared at you. "So why are we walking?"

"That's what I just asked you." You cried. You groaned in complaint and placed your forehead against his chest. "What if we go get blackout drunk so we don't have to deal with this until later?"

Sunghoon chuckled lightly and ran a hand through your hair. "Unless you want to do something you might regret. Besides, it's already morning."

You pushed away from him and glared. "Yah, yah. Then what?" You hummed and turned around, starting to walk forward a little with your arms crossed. Sunghoon watched for a second before jogging to catch up. "We could take a nap in my car, with it later. Better than getting black out drunk."

You glanced at him. "The only difference is that it's far better for our health." You couldn't help a small giggle. "Alright, dumbass, show me where your car is."

"Actually??" He gave you a mock surprised look. You bumped your shoulder into his. "Actually. What else are we gonna do? Let's just..hide from the world for now, yeah?"

Sunghoon bumped your shoulder back. "Yeah."

He took you by the hand and began to lead you out of the hotel to find his large, expensive family car. Or at least one of them.

Until there was a silence, you didn't realize at all how close you were. In the span of less than two messy days and a random even more messy encounter, you were walking around holding his goddamn hand. You found it, and yourself, stupid. Even so, what was there to do now? He was the only interesting thing in your painstakingly easy life. His words could sting like venom but, gosh, he was so gentle.


"Ta-dan," Sunghoon proclaimed with a childish look in his eyes, "My car." He smirked at you proudly. You matched his look with a sarcastic but playful one. "Wah, another expensive car that's way to big for the amount of people that go in it."

"Ah, shut up." He bumped your shoulder and tried to peak into the car through the blackened windows. "Hey, check in my suit jacket, the right side pocket. I have a pair of spare keys."

"No driver?" You raised your eyebrows as you fished around in the pocket of his jacket. He gave you a look, "There is one, I offered to drive. Even rich boys need driver's licenses."

You pulled out a keychain with a silver key and a little penguin charm dangling from it. The sight made you smile a little. "So this is actually your car?"

"Yes." Sunghoon said proudly, taking the keys. He unlocked his car and opened the backseat, gesturing for you to go in. You did as told and slid in, watching his silhouette as he slid in beside you. When he closed the door, little blue lights turned on to light up the car. Sunghoon smiled up at the lights with that sparkle in his eyes, "They can change colors, wanna see?"

You shrugged a little and watched as he looked around the car for something, likely a remote. He leaned around you to search and when he did, his breath brushed the side of your ear. You felt your skin grow hot and trailed Sunghoon with your gaze as he pressed some buttons on the remote, changing the lights from blue to red then red to purple then purple to a lavender-ish pink then back to a darker shade of blue.

You tilted your head and studied him. "So what do we do now?" That was always the question, wasn't it? After having been told your entire life what to do and going along with that easy flow of things without having to make any decisions, now that you had to decide things for yourself, you had no idea what you were doing.

Sunghoon glanced at you. His face dropped. For a moment, there was nothing but silence.

Then, "I really am sorry." He said softly.

You dropped your gaze but didn't say anything.

"You're the kindest person I've ever met." He continued. "I hope you know that."

You laughed softly, awkwardly. "I cursed at you as well, I should be apologizing."

You took in a surprised breath when Sunghoon reached forward and tilted your head up by the chin. "You know I'm wrong.." He winced at his words as if it was hard to admit. "The things I called you.." Sunghoon shook his head. "Bad things."

You leaned forward and touched your forehead to his. You sighed awkwardly. "I asked you to kiss me, I shouldn't have. I'm sorry."

You fiddled with Sunghoon's hair, pushing it behind his ear again and again only for it to fall back and tickle the tip of your nose. He caught your hand and placed it on his shoulder. "I didn't mind."

"Dumbass." You muttered.

Sunghoon smiled. "Be nice."

Then he kissed you for the second time.

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