lee heeseung - summer love [part three]

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a/n: this is souper late- sorry if it's bad

tw: sad ending :(( sorry babies

- linden

Summer came to an end all too fast and over the short time that it did, you grew closer to Heeseung than you could ever imagine. Sometimes you would go to Aera's house purely to see him rather than her and, though she didn't really mind, she would tease you and pretend to get annoyed.

Once when you sat with Aera presumably alone in the living room, you whispered to each other softly with your eyes half shut with sleep.

"Y/n. If you fall in love with him you'll only get hurt." She told you softly. You shivered and pulled your knees up to your chest. "I can't really help it, Aera. I know he has to leave and all but.." You frowned. "It's not my fault."

Aera stretched back. "I didn't say that." She murmured. "But I don't want you hurt."

You smiled at her. "I've suffered heart break before." You said jokingly. Aera giggled. "It was your pet fish."

"Alright, alright." You laughed. Your smile slowly dipped down. "I think I've fallen." You whispered.

Aera reached out and squeezed your hand. The air went silent.


The rare moments you had Heeseung to yourself in the darkness of the night sent your heart spinning with feeling. He held you close on your bed and pressed sweet kisses all over your face. Tiny and fluttering like butterflies, on your cheeks and over the bridge of your nose.

You could hear the sounds of the tv from downstairs and, though those soft sounds were there and you knew your parents were downstairs, you felt completely alone with him. Heeseung laughed under his breath and squeezed you close, placing his face in your hair and breathing out.

You wrapped your arms around him and smiled contently. He was so nice and warm and he smelled like some mixture of vanilla and cotton candy. Heeseung placed another fluttering kiss on your forehead. You sighed warmly.

"Y/n." Heeseung whispered. You hummed, feeling your eyes sleepily start to fall shut. He pulled you up so you were face to face and he could place a soft kiss on your lips. You smiled and leaned forward into the kiss when he tried to pull away. His lips were addictive, always sweet like cherries and so pretty.

"Hey, can I promise you something?" He asked. His warm breath stirred the hair that fell across your forehead. "Yeah?" You asked, shifting against his body. He brushed his hand through your hair. "I won't leave you. This summer will last forever."

"Even when it's not summer?"


"That doesn't make sense?"

Heeseung ran a gentle hand up and down your arm and laughed. "You know.." He paused and let out a soft breath against your skin. "I don't want to go to heaven if you're here on earth."

That promise sent chills down your spine. It sounded so real and so true you couldn't help but believe in it. "Promise." You whispered. Heeseung kissed the crown of your head. "Promise."


Summer was gone.

You'd lost it to time, and now school was starting in a week for you, a month for Heeseung, but he had to leave and move into his dorms. You didn't want him to go. You so, so didn't want him to go, because everything you felt that summer, would feel like a summer fling. A summer love, non-permanent. You wanted at least semi-permanent.

You wanted lee heeseung, but that was like asking for free passage to heaven. Denied, you weren't worthy enough, and life just didn't go in that direction. In twenty years, he would only be an ex. A sort of ex.

You jumped at your phone ringing on the kitchen table, reaching out a hand to grab it and accepting the call as you walked away from your family with it pressed to your ear. "Hee?"

"Hi y/n." You could hear a soft smile in his voice. "Can we just talk a little?" You heard a sound like the rustling of cloth as he walked down stairs.

"Yeah." You sucked on your bottom lip. "Why not?"

Heeseung laughed lightly, sweetly. "I don't know. Can you come to my- Aera's- our? Yeah, our house?"

You laughed under your breath, putting a hand to your mouth where a delighted smile grew at Heeseung's sweetness. You imagined that he was looking around or at the phone with his bambi eyes. "I'll tell my mom." You finally replied. The line went quiet but you could still hear Heeseung's warm breaths through the speaker.

"I love you." You whispered. Heeseung didn't say anything for a moment.

"Y/n." He whispered.

"I'm sorry!" You forced out all of a sudden.

"I love you too."

The line disconnected.


He met you immediately at the door and pulled you in, shutting it and not letting you speak. Heeseung stared at you for a moment and you stared back until you saw Aera frowning worriedly at the two of you out of the corner of your eye.

He let out a warm sigh that you felt flutter over your forehead before wrapping you in a short hug. "Just follow me baby, please?" He turned his bambi eyes towards you and you felt your heart start to soften even further than it already had.

You felt him tug softly on your hand and you let him pull you through the house and up the stairs. When you caught sight of Aera in the living room, she sent you a tense look and you frowned worriedly back at her.

Up the smooth carpeted stairs, Heeseung led you to the room he'd been staying in, his room. Not saying another word, a hun started up past his lips and he pushed you gently by the shoulders so you sat on the edge of his bed. "Hee?" You asked softly. Heeseung studied your eyes with shining eyes before glancing away and sighing, slowly going down onto his knees before you. He shut his eyes and lay his head on your lap like a pillow, swallowing thickly.

"Hee?" You asked again. A terribly sickly feeling was swirling around in your stomach, chest, and throat. This was the end you feared wasn't it? The end you'd feared all summer.

"I'll be starting college.." He said in a soft whisper. You felt his hand creep around to lace his fingers with yours. "So...I think this has to be over."

You made a choking sound and squeezed your eyes shut, feeling Heeseung flutter a soft kiss over your lips.

You'd known this was coming since the day you realized that the sweet Lee Heeseung was the man you wanted.

Even so, you didn't even have the strength to argue.

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