kim sunoo - apricate [part 2]

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note: alien au as you all know

a/n: i just realized how beautiful a word 'sunshine' is. think about it

tw: aliens (?), not really angst, also cringe warning

1219 words

- linden

It was cold in the cell.

It was so, so freezing.

You hadn't seen the sun in days and you longed for it in a way you couldn't explain. You longed for Kim Sunoo. You'd grown so used to hearing and seeing him every single day that it felt like they'd ripped out one of your vital organs and left you bleeding out on the ground.

Some part of you actually wished you were bleeding out on the ground. You wished you could escape from this cold darkness. The logical part of your brain told you death wasn't the perfect escape you saw it as.

You twisted your head to find the source of the clattering sound coming from the cell across from you. You saw the bright green gleam of a girl local's eyes. She stared back at you in silence.

90% of the prison was locals and the last 10% were humans who had tried to defend them.

You waved at the local. "What are you doing?" You whispered. She held up a bobby pin. She must have been taken in recently to be attempting an escape. When you'd first come in you'd tried and failed in something similar with a frail human woman and a frightened local girl.

This local girl looked determined.

Maybe you would join her.

You suddenly felt lucky they didn't feel the need to post guards inside the holding area of the female prison. It was sexist, but it was helpful in terms of your escape.

Sunoo. Your mind called. I'll come for you.

You turned to the local, keeping your voice hushed, "Can you free me too?" You asked. She gave you a small smile and brushed the yellow-blonde hair from her eyes, "Of course." She whispered.

You turned your head when you caught sight of a big local woman with dark blue hair and brown eyes swirled with purple. She moved closer to the bars of her cell. She was missing a hand.

She stared at you, then brought her gaze to the local girl across from you, "I'm coming too." She said. It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

You whispered, "Where do we go when-" You stopped at the sound of a heavy metal door opening and footsteps alongside struggling. They were bringing in more beings.

You made eye contact with the local girl, then with the local woman. You scooted back into the darkness.

You weren't sure when night fell, but you knew it had because the local's internal clocks sent them to sleep and you joined.

When you woke up again, darkness still crowded you, and most locals were still asleep. Some had forced themselves awake for reasons you wouldn't be able to understand, but what was important was that you knew it was still night.

You looked across the narrow hall. The local girl was awake and picking her lock with the bobby pin. She made eye contact with you and pulled a pale yellow bobby pin out of her hair before sliding it through the crack and across the floor to your cell.

It hit your knee and you grabbed it. You twisted your arm through the bars and started to pick the lock as best you could. After what felt like hours of lock picking that made your arm sore, the mechanics clicked and your cell door creaked open.

The local girl had just finished picking her lock and went to the local woman. It took only seconds to pick the lock from the outside.

From behind you, you heard a voice, "Me too, please." You turned to find a human girl about your age with long dark hair. You were quick to pick her lock.

After that, it was a mission of picking lock after lock. A couple of the women and girls had bobby pins of their own, and the local girl with the yellow-blonde hair, doled out a couple more, which was all she had.

Beings were picking locks like that's what they were made for. Some picked the locks of sleeping beings and forced them awake, but most skipped. You felt bad for them until a human woman offered to stay with them, keeping the pile of bobby pins with her for a later escape.

"Where do we go after this? We're in the middle of a city." You asked the yellow-blonde local. She didn't even glance at you, "The town near the suburbs. We'll go to the hills. We'll hide there until this blows over, or otherwise..." She looked up at you. Her eyes were kind, but they were filled with courage, "We start a war."

You smiled at her, "I like that idea, what's your name?"

"Izzy." The local girl said. "You?"


Together, the two of you led the flood of girls and woman to the heavy metal door at the end of the hall.

That's when you faced a dilemma.

Of course. Of course they still used super old fashioned locks from earth, but had a keypad for the door. You had been so busy struggling when you arrived here that you hadn't noticed.

You wanted to scream. All that effort for nothing. You couldn't even escape the prison, let alone the city. "Dammit." You hissed.

On the other side of the property, seven boys were being chased by a torrent of guards. They ran, thinking they were going to go as far as the could when one of the boys took a detour to the female prison.

"Sunoo! There's no time!"

"I'm not leaving y/n again!" He ran at the door and pounded at it with all his might.

"Sunoo, there's a keypad! You can't get in!"

"I'll try the same combination that got us out of our prison!"

He punched in the numbers and the door clicked open.

You stumbled back into Izzy in surprise when the door clicked open. Izzy gently pushed you away and peered out into freedom. You drew in a short gasp. "Sunoo!" Your reached up to touch a trickling red cut on his face, "You're hurt!"

Sunoo grabbed your hand softly, "I love being able to see you again so much, y/n, but we're being chased."

"We? Chased?"

"Yes, there are seven other guys with me. Heeseung's sorta the leader and yes, we're being chased." Sunoo let his gaze trail over the swarm of women and girls behind you. "On second thought, nearly thirty beings is no match for ten guards." He met your gaze, "But we have to run."

Izzy pushed past the two of you, "Let's go Y/n and Sunshine boy! We have places to be."

Like an ocean, 27 beings took off running through the city with ten measly guards following behind.

As you ran over the uneven stone under the cover of darkness, your entire body ached. Your legs hurt and your head was pounding, but your hand was held in the safety of Sunoo's. You reveled in the familiarity of the smooth gems on his knuckles, and in his scent of flowers.

As you ran, you were alive and free in the middle of the night.

As you ran, you once again basked in Sunoo's sunshine.

You looked to your left.

He smiled at you.

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