park sunghoon - easy

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note: "money, money, ain't it funny, honey when you get what you need, baby life is a breeze."

a/n: i highlyyyy suggest listening to the loop of affluenza i added

tw: cursing; alcohol and drunkness; other than that this is a fairly cute imagine

2494 words

- linden

The grand mansions and expensive liquors you weren't supposed to be drinking had stopped catching your eye a long time ago. Now, the glittering extremities of human greediness which most likely cost more than your life, were a background. They were a setting and you, you were a side character. It was simple, and your life was easy. It was never interesting, but it was, sometimes painstakingly, easy. Never interesting.

Not until you met Park Sunghoon.

No one knew much about him. All he really was to the world was the teenage son of one of the most accomplished businessmen in Korea. He was also insanely attractive.

All you knew about him, was that he was that he had a warm touch and words of venom.

Even so, what you didn't know was that he had a secret little smile and a caring side.


Your father had forced you to a multiple day get together of all the rich sparkly people in Korea. Everyone with teenage children were bringing their teenage children. You would rather not go, but an easy life was an easy life. Follow, and let it take you. Simply get through everyday. That was the way you functioned.

Or at least that was the way you functioned until you quite literally ran into Park Sunghoon while he wandered around half-drunk on white wine. The party or whatever it was was being held in a "ballroom" of a hotel. All the attendees also happened to be staying in the hotel, so you'd slipped away and were now searching for your room.

You held your shoes in your hands and walked barefoot under the strangely bright hotel lights. Your feet ached all the way up to your knees and you found it obnoxiously expensive that even the lights were rimmed in shiny gems.

When you glanced down from your inspection of the obnoxious light fixtures, you were met by the sight of a familiar dark haired figure collapsed near the wall down the hall. You raised your eyebrows. "Park Sunghoon-ssi?" You called down the hall.

There was no answer. One of the lights flickered in a lonely way. You sighed and dragged yourself towards him.

Dropping your shoes beside him, you leaned down. "Park Sunghoon-ssi?" You asked again. Sunghoon's eyes fluttered a little and he peered past his eyelashes, studying you like he couldn't recognize your annoyed expression. Having met him once before, you weren't startled by his beauty, but that "once before" had been when you had collected the information of how much of a bitch he was. That once before was also a very...interesting encounter.

Now, you could smell the alcohol on his breath and see the flush of his cheeks. You sighed a little and sat down in front of him. Frowning, you raised a hand and placed its back against his forehead. His skin was hot. Not burning hot, but at least uncomfortably hot. "Did u give yourself a fever, dipshit?" You muttered. Sunghoon's eyes fluttered again. He glanced up at you and tried to force words past his lips. The sounds only mixed together in a warm wine scented mush.

"What?" You asked.

You stifled a yelp when Sunghoon brought up a hand and wrapped it around your wrist where you still laid the back of your hand against his forehead. He peered up at you through half closed eyes. His lips moved into the smallest of smiles.

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