pov: enhypen's bloody birthday part [part two]

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note: vampire!au obviously

a/n: just felt the need to add that screenshot of a post from instagram of a post on twitter

**i decided to exclusively use she/her pronouns

tw: blood; vampireyness; cursing

- linden

In no less than a couple of seconds, you'd smacked Heeseung in the face, making him groan and pull away from you, your blood turning his lips red. "You bitch." You muttered under your breath. You gasped in pain when Heeseung ran his fingers over the spot he'd bit you. You narrowed your eyes and pushed at him. "Let me go, you asshole!"

Heeseung chuckled, his eyes a deep blood moon sort of red. "You really like to call people names." He traced your jaw with his fingertips and tilted your head upwards. You glared are him and wiggled your hand where he was still holding tightly to your wrist.


"Jungwon!" Heeseung turned his head to call the dark haired boy who wiped his mouth of your friend's blood and approached. You grimaced and squeezed your eyes shut. "I'm going to fucking throw up." Your voice wavered. "Please tell me you didn't kill my friend."

You heard low laughter and your wrist was released for a moment. Your eyes shot open and you raised your fist to take a swing, but at the same time, Jungwon caught your arm and pushed you back by the shoulders. You stumbled and fell to the ground, hitting your head with a crack. You cried out. You could feel someone's body digging painfully into your back. You gasped for air and squirmed. "Let me go! Let! Me! Go!"

Jungwon's grip was tight on your wrists, tight enough to leave bruises, and your arms were pinned beside your head. He was over you and he leaned down so that his breath hit your cheek. "Don't worry, you're not going anywhere just yet." He grinned and bit the side of your neck, evoking a startled scream. You kicked and struggled but he still wouldn't release you. "YANG FUCKING JUNGWON-"

Jungwon laughed softly. "Sorry princess." He hit you over the head. Your world went dark.


You woke up drowsily, your head pounded with a headache and there were aches around your shoulders. You groaned softly and peeled your eyes open. Above you was the arch of a canopy bed with a small chandelier hanging from it. How fancy.

It occurred to you then that you'd been tucked in somewhere. You gritted your teeth at the pain when you moved your arms but reached up to throw the silky covers off your body. You kicked your legs until you were free. You glanced down at yourself. You were still wearing what you'd worn the day before but the sleeves and neckline were torn off. You glanced around the room for a mirror, successfully finding a gold trimmed one sitting on top of a pretty cream colored vanity.

Quietly you got up and approached it, examining the room as you did so. The curtains were all delicate looking and there were various glittering chandeliers and decorations of the sort. The entire color palate was of cream, white and gold. You stepped in front of the vanity mirror and immediately winced at your appearance. Your pretty clothes were completely ruined and hung limply around your shoulders. You had shadows under your eyes that made you look like the living dead. You sighed softly and raised your hand to touch your neck. That Jungwon hadn't actually bitten you, instead he'd left a small hickey, but beside that, the place where Heeseung had bitten you was bandaged. You glanced at your wrists. Bruises, just like you'd excepted.

You flinched at the soft sound of voices.

"Should we ask the queen to turn her?" Someone whispered.

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