park jongseong - perfect

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note: high school!au as many of my imagines resemble

a/n: came up with this randomly this morning when i was leaving for school sorry it's short, but i have a playlist for it called 'finding perfect with park jay'

tw: none

963 words

- linden

Having a new student was always chaotic at your school. Everyone always wondered who they were, what they were like, what kind of people did they date? did they date at all? we're they a girl or a guy? something else?

Always so many questions, as if having a new student was going to make the damned school better. After all, curiosity killed the cat. Thankfully, you were never that cat.

Or at least that was true until you met the newest arrival at your school. Park Jay.

"Hello, my name is Park Jay. You can call me Jay." The new student said from the front of the room. The teacher smiled. "Good. Everyone, say hello."

There was a tired chorus of hello's from the class. "You can take the empty seat." The teacher directed. Knowing her, she was probably pointing at the desk and flashing her bright smile.

Said empty seat had once been occupied by a girl with long brown hair that always left it loose around her face. She'd been really skinny, almost like a twig, but her face was pretty. She wasn't dead or anything, but she'd begged her family to move away after relentless bullying from some douchebags.

Unlike her, you were a strange middle class; Struggling, sort of academically smart, cares too much about your parents to stop trying at life, and mostly sleepy with a need for anime and kpop. Maybe that was a little specific, but that's who you were. You were a simple dish towel, the poor bullied students were rags, and the 'higher class' of students were the finest silks- dipped in poison. Your school really was terrible.

Meanwhile, you were still staring down at your desk. You scratched at a mark of black paint on the marred (with carvings of shapes and letters) surface. You wondered where it came from.

You heard footsteps to your right and the 'fwump' of someone's items being placed on the floor. You didn't bother looking up, but instead directed your gaze to the window you sat beside. You stared long and hard at the wispy clouds, trying to ignore the new presence beside you.

Slowly, you brought your gaze to the new student. The teacher's voice was only a mindless droning in the back of your head.

They boy, Jay, he was perfect. Well, not exactly perfect since a human being could never fit the definition of perfect, but in your eyes, Perfect. To say the least, he looked like kpop idol. The unfiltered, unreal, untrue, definition of perfect.

"You're staring." Jay said in a hushed whisper. He raised his eyebrows at you and you felt a swirl of butterflies flutter in your stomach. You were fast to fall.

"No i'm not." You whispered back as you directed your gaze back to your desk. Jay went silent, but you could feel his small smirk-smile radiating from your right. You wondered where this new boy would take you.

You lay stomach down on a soft bed (not your own) with your head in your hands and your feet kicking at air. "Hey, Jay." You asked your closest friend. He hummed in acknowledgment from where he sat at his desk, scanning history notes instead of procrastinating like you.

"What's your definition of Perfect?"

The hand Jay had been writing with stilled and he looked up at the eggshell-white ceiling in thought. The room was silent. Silenter than silent.

" what manner?"

You hummed. "Just Perfect."

"Then, Perfect...Perfect is someone or something that feels complete to you. Complete and amazing and beautiful; you feel safe there and that person or thing is just the best thing you could hope for...and they're Perfect."

Silence again. You rolled onto your back and raised one of your arms, tracing the vaguely duck shaped crack in the ceiling. "Wow." You breathed. You giggled a little, "Your definition of Perfect is perfect."

"Why, thank you." When you tilted your head back to look at Jay, he'd turned around in his rolly chair and was giving you his Jay-ish grin.

You closed your eyes and breathed in a soft breath, feeling, but at the same time not feeling, the weightlessness of your head as you let it fall back over the edge of the bed. "You're my Perfect." You murmured under your breath.

You heard the squeak of Jay getting up from his folly chair followed by soft footfalls as he approached you. He crouched down; you kept your eyes closed. You only opened them when you felt his breath on your face.

"I'm your Perfect?" Jay asked you. You opened your eyes and looked at him with your eyes wide in a sort of innocence. You tried to hide your shy smile.  Jay chuckled as you pushed yourself up and shook your head at the dizzy feeling.

When you twisted your torso around to looked at him, he had put his arms on the edge of the mattress and laid his head in his hands. "So?"

"Yes.." You admitted softly.

"Did you know?" Jay suddenly asked. You tilted your head in a questioning confusion. Jay continued, "That you're my Perfect too?"

You couldn't hide the smile that grew on your face. "No." You said lightly. "But I'm happy that out of so many people, you picked me. Thank you."

"Your welcome, but I feel like I should be saying thank you rather than me."

"How about both of us since we're each other's Perfect?"

"That's perfect." Jays eyes shone when he looked at you sitting cross legged on his bed. You held up your fingers, counting. "1, 2, 3-"

So at the same time you spoke, "Thank you."

You smiled. Park Jay's perfectness was Perfect. You loved him.

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