kim sunoo - milk and honey

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a/n: a little something sweet since i've been writing angsty stuff :))

tw: none

785 words

- linden

The soft light filled the kitchen with an unearthly glow. You moved around slowly as you prepared things. You retrieved and held an apple under the bright water that joyfully spurted from the tap. You rubbed the skin of the apple as if to wash it, but you were caught up in staring at the refractions of sunlight in the water. And imagining his face. It felt like forever since you'd seen his face, unless pictures counted, and it drove you insane as to how much your heart ached since you couldn't be with him.

It had surprised you the first night when you went to sleep wanting to cry, but now you had learned to push it down and yearn for the cheerful little text messages that would pop up on your screen, wishing you good morning and making sure you ate.

So now you couldn't help but let a bright grin adorn your face. Your parents were out and the day was warm and slow.

Back in the moment, you shook off the extra water from your fingertips and crouched down to get a cutting board from the cabinet by your feet, the apple still in your hand. Once you'd tugged the cutting board out of its hiding place and set it on the island, you shuffled away to grab a knife.

You cut the apple carefully, aware of your fingers and their grip on the still-wet fruit. You slid the strangely cut apple slices onto a plate and started moving off again, this time across the kitchen to get your jar of honey and a spoon. You spooned the honey out of the jar and let it drip over the apple slices, coating them in a glaze of gold.

Once you'd licked the excess honey off your fingers and washed your hands, you warmed up a mug of milk with a little sugar and went upstairs to curl up on your bed with your phone in hand. You glanced at the time that showed in shining white at the top of your screen; 3:48pm. Just as planned, two minutes later, your phone started to ring, the soft sound of Sunoo's singing and a tinkling wind chime telling you who was calling. You picked up the call with a bright smile on your face.

The urge to cry suddenly came upon you, but instead of a feeling of longing, it was a feeling of happiness. Across the screen, Sunoo sat in his own bed with his own plate of honey-covered apples and a mug of milk, "Y/n!" He smiled at you widely, his eyes scrunching up and glittering with happiness.

"Sunoo-ah!" That was all you could say for now, just his name.

"You don't even know how much I missed you, y/n." He smiled, "Let's eat now?"

You nodded and lifted up a slice of apple to your mouth. A shriek escaped your lips when some of the honey dripped onto your chin, and you heard Sunoo giggling from the other end. Thankfully, you'd come prepared with napkins and wiped it away. As you ate your own apple slices, you watched Sunoo through your eyelashes. He finished his apple slices first and sat sipping his milk as he told you about his day.

Soon enough it was already 5:30 and you both sat in silence. You drank the last bit of milk and let it warm your stomach. You closed your eyes and sighed, reminiscing of when you and Sunoo were little kids and would come home to a snack like the one you had just consumed without a care in the world. Your phone lay on your bed face up, and you knew all Sunoo could see was your ceiling.

"Y/n?" He asked. You opened your eyes and scooched over to pick up your phone after setting your apple-slices-plate and mug on your bedside table. "Sorry, Sunoo." You smiled apologetically. His eyes were gentle and soft when he looked at you. "Are you tired?"

"I should be asking you that with all your work as an idol." You smiled a little.

Sunoo shook his head. "You look sleepy. Take a nap, y/n."

"It's a weird time, Sunoo-" You accidentally cut yourself off with a big yawn, and immedietly covered your face in embarrasment.

"See." He stated with his bread cheeks drawn up in a soft smile.

"Okay..." You yawned again. " you..Sunoo..."

"Love you, y/n."

He waved and sent you a flying kiss. "I'm disconnecting now." He whispered.


"I love you." Sunoo said again.

He sent you another flying kiss, and the last thing you saw before you drifted off to sleep was a gentle, glowing smile on his happy face.

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