park sunghoon - first kiss

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a/n: this is an imagine based off your dream in the other imagine i wrote for hoon,

tw: none

1694 words

- linden

You were an exchange student in Korea when you were sixteen. Only sort of two years later the exchange program was back and had chosen you. Again.

This time the high school was in Seoul and they had you staying in a dorm with another exchange student who was from Australia. It was her job on laundry that week and it was your job on groceries so that's where you were, shopping with the funded card you'd been given by the program.

You probably should've gone earlier, though. It was late and cold, not to mention it was dark and there was an eerie air about things.

You walked into the store and looked around. It was almost empty expect for one or two other people in another aisle as well as the employees. The light was pale and blue. The shelves were only half stocked and you saw some cans knocked down from a stack.

You bent down and picked up the cans to put them back. You hummed. Canned peaches. You put one in your shopping bag.

You wandered the empty white aisles in search for common groceries. As you passed, you put vegetables and fruits in your bag along with a couple snacks and a box of pasta. You kept on walking across the smooth tile, making your way to the checkout counter.

The store had gone completely silent except for the rattle of the pasta in your shopping bag, and the only other customers were standing in line. First was a small old lady who was checking out her veggies and next was a tall boy with dark hair.

You moved closer and stood in line behind him. His presence was familiar. His cologne was familiar. It couldn't be.

"Park Sunghoon." You breathed. The boy turned around to look at you. He was wearing a black bucket hat and a black mask, but you could recognize the midnight of his eyes anywhere.

You felt heat rise to your skin in embarrassment. Yet, you couldn't speak when all you wanted to do was apologize to the angel that stood in front of you.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" He asked. His voice. It was him. Must be him. I'm in love with you. Your head chimed helpfully.

Shut up. You told it.

In front of the two of you, the small old lady was finishing up with her groceries and going to leave, completely unaware of your awkward situation. You could barely see that though. You were stuck in your own world. Stuck with Park Sunghoon.

"I thought..." Sunghoon trailed off and scanned your face, seeming to search your eyes. "You look familiar."

"Do- do I?" You shot your gaze away and stared into the unnaturally lighted grocery store. You couldn't help it when you looked back at his face.

"You do."

You felt sudden chills travel down your spine. The silence of the empty store felt heavy and you pitied the poor employee who witnessed this when they must be tired and wanting to go home.

You moistened your lips and broke eye contact. "I'm sorry..."

"I think I have your number, I'll text you when I get home."

"...I think you have the wrong person." You said softly. Your mary janes were suddenly so much more interesting than anything else. You tapped your foot on the floor nervously.

Sunghoon turned around and checked out his groceries. You watched his back as he left. The last you saw of him, his eyebrows were furrowed thoughtfully and there were storm clouds in his reminiscent eyes.

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