sim jaeyun - rain clouds

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note: a little something cute inspired by the song at my worst by pink sweat$ :) "I need somebody who can love me at my worst...Though i'm not perfect but i hope you see my worth."

tw: none (sense of being overwhelmed (?))

832 words

- linden

It was past 11:00 pm and you were bundled up in a fluffy blanket on the couch with only your fingers and face peeking out so you could see and handle your phone. You were blankly watching a random video you'd clicked on. Your gaze was glassy as you stared at your screen. Your mind was elsewhere, but you weren't exactly sure where that elsewhere was. Your head was filled with a white static that sometimes turned to swirling masses of black and gray. It felt like a flood, and at times you felt like you could hear that roar in your ears.

You squeezed your eyes shut, but it didn't help, it only let the swirling static become clearer, and the roar in your ears louder. It felt overwhelming, and you wished sleep would take you.

Still, in the background, the muted voices from the video droned on.

You still had your eyes screwed shut, but you felt a new weight on the couch beside you. The weight shifted and you felt fingers touch your collarbone, a soft kiss being pressed onto your neck. You forced your eyes open and found Jake giving you a gentle look.

You felt ugly. There were shadows under your eyes, and they felt puffy, and you were stressed, and you hadn't contacted your family in nearly a month. Your life- you were a mess. It was like you were a delicate piece of cloth with the edges crushed and frayed and simply falling apart. Except, Jake was there.

Jake was there, and he was the owner of the gentle hands that guided the pointed needle through the cloth, slowly stitching it together when it's binding came loose.

You were the cloth, and Jake was the tailor.

You let out a long breath and let your shoulders drop. Jake took your phone from you after you turned it off and set it on the side table for you. He peeled some of the blanket off of you and moved closer before he replaced it and wrapped his arms around your body. "Hey." he mumbled. "You okay?"

"Just tired," You whispered. Your breath stirred his hair, and you caught sight of his ears turning pink when he felt a whisper of air against his cheek. "You smell like soap." Jake giggled. Your eyelids drooped and you found yourself not being able to laugh with him. "Sorry Jakey. i'm too tired."

Jake ran his hands up and down your arms comfortingly. "It's okay y/n." You let out a heavy breath, then took another soft breath in, letting his scent of white chocolate, berries, and cinnamon calm you, "Thank you."

"Just sleep."

You nodded and melted into Jake's touch, letting your eyelids flutter shut. Slowly, the darkness consumed you.

When you became aware of your surroundings again, you found that you'd been moved to the bed and Jake was hugging you around your waist with his head buried in your neck and his breath soft against your collarbone. You made a soft sleepy noise, and Jake slowly blinked awake. He looked up at you, bleary-eyed, "Shh...sleep." He mumbled, tracing circles on your back. You hummed and let your eyelids drop closed again.

The next time you woke up it was morning and a sweet scent drifted from the kitchen. You got up and ran your hands through your hair to untangle it as you sleepily followed the smell.

"Hi." You smiled at Jake as you flopped on the couch. "Good morning." Jake looked at you with sparkling eyes, "Want pancakes? I know it's not Korean, but I thought i'd try to cook for you."

"Jake, you're actually the best boyfriend ever." You said in a drowsy but serious voice. You could tell Jake was trying not to laugh by the expression on his face, but he gave in and let out a cheerful cacophony of bubbly giggles, "Thank you y/n. Are you going to eat?"

You gave Jake a sleepy smile, "Just leave it, i'll go get ready and come." He nodded and continued with his pancake-making.

When you returned, Jake was waiting patiently with two plates of pancakes sitting in front of him. The weariness in your eyes disappeared as soon as you caught sight of the food. You threw yourself at Jake as gently as you possibly could and nuzzled your nose into his neck.

Jake giggled and patted your back gently, "What's that for, baby?"

"I just love you." You mumbled. "You make my rain clouds and tv static go away."

He giggled again, "You're so cute."

You pulled away and widened your eyes in a theatrical way, "What would Layla say to that!?" Jake copied your expression before leaning forward until his forehead touched yours, "Shhh...she doesn't have to know."

You watched as a smile slowly grew on Jake's face; and for the first time in nearly a month, your rain clouds cleared and you let yourself laugh.

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