kim sunoo - sirens

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note: soulmate!au where you can feel what the other is feeling (intense feelings only for it to make sense); idol!au

a/n: my first (?) request~

1297 words

- linden

You felt unlucky sometimes that you weren't able to be an engene who lived through iland with the boys. You regretted sometimes that you weren't able to feel the surge of emotions in real time, but sometimes it made you wonder if your soulmate would have wondered why you were feeling all those things.

Now, you still felt lucky that you could be an engene. You felt overwhelmingly lucky and you knew your soulmate felt that happiness sometimes. Especially when you were watching lives. When you were watching lives, there was a sort of excitement deep in your chest and you wanted to scream but at the same time you wanted to melt. The love you watched that night was the one that changed your entire mindset and life.

It was a sunki live and it was late at night where you were. You were up late on your phone huddled under your blankets when the notification came. So with excitement blooming bright inside of you, you joined the live, quietly grinning to yourself. Sunoo and Ni-ki sat frozen in place in the cliche pretending the live was paused. The illusion was ruined by Ni-ki giggling. When Sunoo realized, he pouted and whined, smacking Ni-ki's arm. The younger squirmed in complaint before pointing out that the live had started. Sunoo turned to the screen with curiosity before waving and grinning sweetly. "Hello engene~"

"Welcome to Sunoo hyung." Ni-ki gestured towards Sunoo. "and I's" He smiled a little with his cheeks unintentionally fluffing up. You giggled before your eyes drew to Sunoo's pouty expression. He smiled at the camera and nudged Ni-ki's shoulder. "Ni-ki and I's tea time live." He corrected with a fluffy eye smile. He leaned across and reached for something outside of camera. After a moment, he pulling two drinks into sight, one pink and the other yellow, both of them with glistening ice cubes inside.

While Sunoo fidgeted with the straws, Ni-ki started reading the comment. His eyes widened a little in curiosity. "Sunoo hyung, look." He leaned over to Sunoo to show him the ipad. "An engene found their soulmate today."

Sunoo grinned cutely. "Aw, congratulations~!" He cheered sweetly. Finished with the straws, he pushed the yellow one towards Ni-ki and took a sip from the pink one. He hummed a little, scrolling through the comments. "Oh!l He pursed his pink lips and his eye scanned it. "Sunoo opppa, have you met your soulmate yet?" He read. Unsurely, he glanced out of the camera then towards the camera. " Not yet. Sometimes I feel emotions from them, though." He giggled and you caught Ni-ki watching his hyung with adoration. "My soulmate is really, really happy right now." Sunoo smiled sweetly. He tilted his head towards Ni-ki who was now taking a sip from his drink. "Ni-ki, what about your soulmate?"

Ni-ki raised his eyebrows then furrowed them in concentration. He shrugged and took another sip after a moment. "They're bored." He sucked on his bottom lip and glanced at Sunoo, who nodded in knowing. "School." The chorused. Sunoo broke out into a short fit of giggles and Ni-ki was grinning at his pink cheeked hyung. You giggled with them and adjusted yourself under the blankets so you were warm and only your hands poked out.

Listening to Sunoo and Ni-ki chattering and reading comments, you were content.

When the alarms started ringing in your ears, you let out a terrified shriek, sitting up in bed. "Mom!" You cried. "Mom! What's happening?" You fumbled with your phone in your hands and scrambled out of your bed. Sunoo and Ni-ki had gone quiet. You glanced down at the screen to see Sunoo looking around with worry. "My soulmate is really, really, scared." He said softly. Ni-ki moistened his lips and glanced at the comments. "Engene are worried for your soulmate.."

With all the chaos of the moment and running to your parents' room to make sure they were awake, it didn't click for you that Sunoo was feeling your emotions and you were feeling his worry.

"Mom!" You called. "Dad! Tornado sirens!" Your dad stumbled out of the master bedroom, dragging your half asleep mom along. "The basement!" He yelled. "Y/n, get to the basement."

Maybe it was the sound of the sirens and the wind in your ears, or the thunder of your feet as you ran down the stairs, but you couldn't hear Sunoo and Ni-ki's voices from your phone.

Halfway down the basement stairs with your mom and dad in front of you, you paused in panic. "Oh shit." You muttered. "The cats!" You yelled. "Fuckkk, why didn't the siren come earlier??" With the gravity of the situation, your parents didn't even yell at you for cursing. Instead, they yelled up the stairs as you ran that they would get the cats. You ignored them and ran up to find the poor animals. You could faintly hear them meowing but the sirens still echoed in your ears.

You stumbled a little and paused to throw off your socks. You heard a little meow from behind the couch and used all your strength to push it across the carpet. Somehow, you still had your hand clutching your phone. Sunoo's voice was a mumble, and he was saying something to Ni-ki. Wiggling behind the couch, you picked up your gray cat and hugged him to your chest. Your entire body was shaking and one of your cats was still in your house. When you sat up from where you sat on the ground to get your cat, your gaze met the window. You gasped at the sight and scrambled up, calling your cat's name.

"Y/n!" You heard faintly from your mom. "We've got her, come here!!" You didn't have the ability to yell back but you ran at full speed towards the basement with your cat holding on with his claws out of fear and for life.

Your dad shut the door behind you and the five of you hustled down the stairs to curl up by the wall with the cats both curled up in frightened balls in the space between your chest and the floor.

"Y/n, your phone's still on." Your mom said in a still shocked voice while she huddled beside you. Your dad was on your other side with one of your cats and he had his eyes squeezed shut, not paying attention.

"My soulmate is in a scary situation..I feel like I hear sirens.." Sunoo was saying unsurely. He glanced nervously at the staff then to Ni-ki then to the camera. The comments were saying things about how he must be scared and expressed worry for his soulmate.

"Sunoo hyung is really terrified right now." Ni-kinsaid apologetically with his usual sarcastic undertones. "Staffs say to end the live." He smiled a little and made a slight expression at a probable glare he got from the staff. "Bye engene!" Waving energetically with Sunoo in the background bearing a frightened, worried expression, he ended the live, and by that time, you'd turned off your phone.

"Y/n.." Your mom whispered as she pressed herself closer to you and listened to the rumbles above your head. "I think that korean boy might be your soulmate."

"Stop trying to calm me down." You said in a shaky voice as you felt your dad hold your hand and your cats' warm fur brush against your skin.

"I'm serious, baby." She promised you in a whisper.

You tried not to flinch and scare your cats at the sound of something crashing outside. "Okay." You whispered back.

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