yang jungwon - a pocketful of violets

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a/n: late valentine's day imagine!! i haven't written in so long omg

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a/n: late valentine's day imagine!! i haven't written in so long omg


comment if you wanna see my valentine's day outfittt :)

tw: none

1581 words

- linden 💗

You have long yearned to receive roses. You'd seen it happening since you were a child. Your father used to bring your mother tulips as consolation for all the times he'd made her cry. Tulips were her favorite flower. Their relationship didn't end well.

Meanwhile, all the happy couples on tv would go parading around with their bouquets of bright red roses; wrapped in parchment paper, tied with a silky ribbon. Plucked of thorns. Baby's breathe and smaller buds nestled between the gorgeous ruby petals.

A testament to true love.

You're favorite colour is red in addition. Many of your clothes are red. You had a phase in third grade where you would only wear yellow and the classic rainbow phase, but after your parents separated, you became obsessed with red. Red like crimson roses. You were desperate to see a healthy relationship play out before your eyes like the ones in the films.

Roses. Holding hands. Roses. A kiss on the cheek. Roses. A first date at a fancy restaurant. Roses.

Valentine's day every year after school you buy yourself hot chocolate and a rose. Most of your crushes go to waste. You never speak to them, they never speak to you, they would rather remain friends.

Maybe you are rather desperate.

The past two months for you have been awful. You have constant arguments with your inner self over your feelings for your closest friend. You've known him longer than most. He sits through your mumblings about your crushes and watches cringy romantic christmas hallmark movies with you. You bring him chocolate most years for valentine's day and he brings you chocolate and you go your separate ways.

You've prepared your chocolate for him already. It's nestled into the empty water bottle pocket of your backpack, a tiny black box of dark chocolate strawberry truffles. Your morning is complete with a cold gust of breeze slapping you in the face as you wait for your bus. It's rather warm inside your school and you wait around for Jungwon by the paintings displayed in the art hallway like you do most mornings. You usually talk and walk each other to class.

His box of chocolates is clutched in your hands now. You wipe a palm anxiously against your hip even though it isn't sweating- yet, at least. You wonder what you should say to him. Should you give it to him normally or confess your confusing knotted up feelings? You keep opening your phone to check the time.

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