ot7 - who i think wrote enhypen

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i've seen a couple of these and i thought the idea was cool so here we are...
tw: i can't list them all out but there are some pretty sensitive topics in here so read with caution


- heeseung was written by college dropout

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- heeseung was written by college dropout.
- she is in the current forty years old and has struggled in academics her entire life
- back in her senior year of high school she had a boyfriend who she'd been set up with in her junior year
- her boyfriend wasn't a good person and would lead her on and mess with her emotions
- she wanted to break up with him, but every time she tried he would pull on her emotional strings like a puppeteer
- it was the last straw in the summer before college when he took advantage of her and left her alone in her bed.
- without any measures of protection taken, she learned that she was pregnant a couple of weeks after.
- she had a baby boy in between and life was okay for some time
- she lived with her baby in her college dorm and had help from both her room mates and neighbors
- things only started to fall apart when her baby was almost one year old
- he got really sick and she found herself dragging in her studies and staying up later and later to take care of both herself and her boy
- she eventually had to drop out of college and even with medical attention for her baby boy, he couldn't be saved
- she was broken and left alone in her old gray apartment- the one she'd rented after she couldn't live in the school dormitories
- it took a long time for her to pick up her pieces.
- a couple of months after her baby boy's death, she created a character.
- she named him lee heeseung and wrote him up on her cheap old laptop
- as she started to heal, heeseung started to grow up in the story of her mind
- heeseung was an image of everything that her son could've been.
- she imagined him up as a brother for her baby
- he was kind and good, playful and responsible. he was good in studies and was a musical kid. he grew into a handsome person in her story, and, as if he were real, she found herself proud of him
- she raised lee heeseung inside of her beautiful mind.


- jay was written by a lost little boy who was mistreated since he was little- he wanted someone badly who would protect him and take care of him- there were many nights when he would be hiding in the coat closet or under his bed, the spaces growi...

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- jay was written by a lost little boy who was mistreated since he was little
- he wanted someone badly who would protect him and take care of him
- there were many nights when he would be hiding in the coat closet or under his bed, the spaces growing cramped from his rapid growing over the years
- it was those moments he would close his eyes and still his breathing so he wouldn't be heard
- even with tears on his cheeks, he would imagine himself a perfect older brother
- maybe not perfect, but the sweetest person.
- he imagined someone who would tease him, yell at him when he misbehaved, but would play games with him and cook for him
- he imagined a boy, older than him, that would take care of him like his parents failed to
- he imagined that the boy's name would be Park Jay.
- Park Jay would be tall and funny and would help him with his homework when he struggled
- he would understand and bail him out of those detentions in reason of missing homework
- he would comfort him when he wasn't being treated right, and he would save him eventually
- Jay would be older enough than him that one day he and his pretty significant other would take custody over the boy
- the boy imagined that he would have a big strong brother who could save him, all while he hid
- he imagined that this perfect brother would cry sometimes too
- he imagined that he wouldn't be alone anymore
- he imagined that if Park Jay really were real, he would help him finally run away.

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