nishimura riki - flowers [part two]

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a/n: @Pansexual_bish_1209 i hope this part two is decent enough :)

tw: sad; heartache </3

- linden

Slowly you made your way down the staircase, taking it one step at a time with your bare, dusty feet. You yawned and stretched as you directed yourself to the kitchen. The familiar scent of butter and vanilla drifted to your senses. "Good morning mama." You said. "What are you doing?"

Your mom looked up from a bowl of flour she was mixing with cinnamon. "Getting ingredients ready so I can make fresh rolls for you tomorrow." She shrugged sadly and went back to her ingredient-mixing. "Since you're leaving for college tomorrow anyway."

"Awe, mama." You hugged her around the back and put your head on her shoulder. "It's okay." You smiled sadly. She looked at you. "You look upset, baby. What's wrong? Are you sad you're leaving?"

You removed yourself from the hug and leaned against the counter. "Sort of." You looked away. "I always look sad, now don't I?"

"What..." Your mom trailed off at a small spark of realization. She brushed the excess cinnamon flour off her hands. "Is it still that Riki boy? It's been years, my baby."

You raised your eyebrows in a sort of shock as you looked at your mom. "How could you say that, mama? You know him! He's like family."

Your mom put a soft hand on your arm. "He was, baby. He's gone now. You have to move on. You'll find someone better." You shook your head as you searched her eyes. You threw her hand off your arm, crossing them over your chest.

"I don't know how you could say that, mama. Don't you understand? You lost your first love too." Your breath was coming faster now. You ran your tongue over your dry lips.

"But I found your father. He's everything I wanted. My first love was lost. He wasn't good for me."

"No." Your throat was dry and constricted. "No, you're lying, mama. First true loves are forever first true loves. And Riki was mine, mama! My first true love, my first boyfriend, my first kiss! He was a first everything for me! I was untouched and naive, I didn't understand what could happen and I fell so deep. He was my first heartbreak, too!"

"My first love was my first heartbreak, too." Your mom said softly.

You glared into the air beside her face and swallowed thickly. "I still think you're lying, mama. I'll never lose feelings for him." You met her gaze. "And I don't think you lost feelings for your first either."

Your eyes softened at your mom's worn and flour covered hands. You pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. "Thank you for the rolls, mama." You turned to go back upstairs and to your bedroom.


The rest of the day, you didn't come down from your room and your mom sent your gentle and kind hearted father to bring you meals.

The following day, all your bags were packed and ready to go, but you weren't. You, instead, were searching in the fields beyond the school.

Your father had followed you and now approached you. "What are you looking for?" He asked sweetly. "You have to leave soon."

You looked up. "I'm looking for a piece of home."

"A piece of home?"

"Yeah. A creamy orange colored flower." You smiled and brushed your hands over the summer blooms. "I'm never able to find them." You laughed. "Pretty but rare, I suppose."

"Why not a regular bouquet?" Your father asked as he helped you search. You hummed. "The orange ones are special."

"Special? Darling, you have that in-love feel to your voice. It sounds sad."

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