sim jaeyun - sand castle

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a/n: i was gonna make it another sad imagine but i thought that maybe i'd make it cute for once :)

tw: none

1730 words

- linden

When you can only think of one person.

What does it mean?

When they're on your mind all day and all night. When they're your happiness. When simply seeing them makes you excited. When their smile sets off fireworks inside you. When they make you lead by your heart first and foremost rather than your mind.

Why is it like that?


You met him first in freshman year:

You were busy cursing yourself for taking AP biology as you stared at the rows of desks. Other students, chattering with their friends, pushed around you to go find seats. The teacher was busy with papers and there was writing on the whiteboard to the left of the smartboard, Choose your seats wisely, that's where you're going to be sitting the entire semester :).

You had to admit that the smiley face was cute, and the teacher young and pretty, but you had no friends in this class. You shrieked a little when a tall girl almost knocked you over. You stumbled forward and, after righting yourself, scanned the classroom once more.

When your eyes met him, you couldn't look away. He was cute with a puppy-like face and his hair brown and soft-looking. He was sitting by himself and quietly reading as the teacher and other excited freshman got settled.

Nervously, you started to make your way to him. Potential friend? Yes. A cute guy? Also yes.

You sat down next to him at the otherwise empty lab table. It looked like he didn't have any friends in this class either. You wanted to say hi really badly, but you knew from past experience that, unless he initiated the conversation, all you would be able to do was wave.

He looked up when the teacher started to talk and remind the class about what was up on the board. At her words, a small chatter sparked and a couple of people switched seats. You fidgeted a little nervously. The boy looked at you. His eyes were big and puppy like. His lips were pretty; rose petal shaped.

You had a hard time holding eye contact, but when you found yourself studying the shape of his eyes, you couldn't look away. You'd never been this entranced by a stranger before.

"Hi." He said softly. You smiled. "Hello." You returned. "I'm...uh, I'm l/n y/" You fumbled for words.

"My name is Sim Jaeyun. You can call me Jake." He whispered. You glanced up at the teacher, then back at him. "I hope we can, um, be friends." You suggested.

Jake gave you a cute little smile. "Me too," He nodded. You both directed your attention back to the teacher.


By sophomore year you and Jake were inseparable.

Compared to your actual 'best friend', you had more classes with him and got along with him better. Besides, that 'best friend' of yours had gone behind your back and spread rumors to your other friends. You had trusted her, but who cares now? Screw fake friends.


After actually becoming his friend, those feelings you had when you first saw him never returned. Not until your junior year. You didn't want to say anything, not after your friendship had grown so much.

Together, you'd built it bottom to top like a sand castle made with so much care that there were tiny details in every part. So much care that it didn't collapse even under the thrashing of the high tide.

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