park jongseong - snow storm

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1804 words

- linden

Trudging through the snow was difficult. It was difficult and cold and wet and there was snow in your boots and you couldn't see a foot in front of yourself.

There had been a blizzard warning, of course, but you had chosen to ignore it and pray you'd get home before it started. Much to your dismay, snow had ambushed you not even five minutes into your walk. You were too far to turn back but not far enough along to get home fast enough.

Your parents must've been worried, but your phone was low on charge. You were freezing and wet, but all the shops had closed when the warning had come.

Even so, here you were, in the middle of a snowstorm, taking a little walk. It was very much to your surprise to find another person. It was a boy in a fluffy white puffer jacket and black jeans underneath with a black beanie over his hair.

He was looking down to shield his face from the snow and was going in the same direction as you, a couple feet ahead. You tried to shout but your voice wasn't heard over the biting, snow-filled wind.

You screwed your eyes half shut against the snow and licked away the snowflakes flying at your cold lips.

You trudged a little faster with the hopes to catch up with the boy and possibly get saved from this cold snow-city-jungle. Before you knew it, you were nearly running into him. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" You yelled over the snow. You winced at the cold and tucked your face into your jacket.

"Yah! What are you doing out here?"

"You're also out here." You pointed out. The boy frowned. "Where do you live? My apartment's nearby so we can go there."

"How do I know your not some creep?" You asked as he pushed you a little to move with the muttered remark of, "Walking keeps you warm."

He continued with a wince at the snow. "First of all, you're the one who approached me and second of all, hi, my name is Park Jay and we're in the middle of a blizzard. I swear I'm not a creep."

You looked at him skeptically. "Fine. My name is l/n y/n and if you're suspicious, I'm kicking you in your you-know-where and running back into the storm."

"Good to know." Jay gave you a crooked smile and grabbed your gloveless hand with his warm gloved one to pull you along.

Your brain took that moment to take in his appearance. You couldn't lie, this man was so good looking it took your breath away. Or maybe it was the cold air. But still, his jawline was everything and he had this light in his eyes that made your heart light up as well.

Even so, what if he was a creep? You studied him from where your eyes peeked out from between the collar of your jacket and your hat. He looked your age and, from the look of his face, if anything, he would be flirty. You found that amusing for some reason.


When Jay and you bundled into the apartment building while shaking the snow off your bodies and boots, you were hit by a huge surge of warm air that made you want to strip off your extra layers and cuddle up with some pillows on the ground. In any case, your imagination was weird and you didn't do that.

With a huge sigh and the allowance of your jacket to fall off your shoulders and your hair free from your hat, you entered the elevator with Jay. He stood across from you and hummed a little tune while he waited for his floor.

"My floor." He said when you reached. You followed him out and looked around at the apartment building. You hadn't taken much time to think about it when you had just entered, but this apartment was really, really nice.

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