nishimura riki - in the sunsets 🌅

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enhypen sunset series seven

note: "baby i'll fall in love again come every summer time."


tw: none

- linden

You were at the same summer camp you attended every year since you were ten. Before that, when you were younger, you'd attended another camp where the counselors were teens your age. At this camp, all the counselors were adults well into their late twenties and early thirties. Essentially, the camp was a bunch of unruly preteens and teenagers crammed into little cabins and forced to do stupid activities. You loved it.

The first day was always slow. Your mom drove you the tiring four hours to camp and once you got there, you were given a room and bunk where you crashed until dinner. Or that was how it typically went. Now that you were older, the other kids your age in the cabin were buzzing with plans to meet in the woods after dinner. You lay in your bunk staring at the ceiling. Only the first day and they were already making plans? With a twinge, you remembered seeing the older kids when you were eleven or so sneaking out after dark, giggles and joy thick in the warm night air. What amused you as a kid was that all the counselors knew, it wasn't a secret that they were sneaking out and two of the counselors would stay awake sitting at the edge of the woods just in case. They would slip away when they heard the kids coming back and the kids would never know.

A girl who you've been friends with since your very first year at camp climbed halfway up the bunk bed ladder and tapped your leg, "Hey! You wanna come to the woods tonight?"

Your eyes widened slightly as you sat up, "Rose!" You smiled. She giggled and drew you into a hug, pressing a friendly kiss to your cheek, "So?" She asked. You smiled, "Yeah, of course, sounds fun!"

"It will be." She promised with a cheeky grin. She leaned in, "Also, I heard there's a new guy in camp and he's really cute, just your type. Make a move before anyone else does!" She lightly swung at your arm as you felt your face heat in embarrassment, "No, I can't! Too scary to talk to boys." You put your hands to your cheeks and shook your head. laughed, "Don't worry, I'm backing you up." She sang. You rolled your eyes but for all you tried, you couldn't hide your smile.

Rose had tried previous years in camp to set you up since she, in a three year relationship with her soulmate, was apparently an expert. You had refused all of her attempts although you appreciated it. She had come to learn though, what your type was, and you could tell just by her expression that she believed she would be successful this year. You didn't know why she tried, you were searching for your soulmate anyway, not just a random guy.


After dinner and after the counselors called lights out, pretty much your entire cabin got up and snuck into the woods. A group of boys were already there when you arrived and someone had started a cozy fire. You smiled at the white flickering heat of the flames and burst out into laughter when a friend of yours and Rose's, Ben, crushed her in a hug. He patted her back as she struggled to breathe and once she was released, he earned a smack at the back of the head. You knowing you were the next victim jumped in place and ran off into a corner of the campsite as you were chased and the kids began to mingle. You didn't get very far until he picked you up from behind.

You screeched as Ben squeezed you and let out a big breath when he plopped you down on a log beside a tall boy. You glared at him and he cracked a proud smile. Rose came up behind you then, gently tugging your hand, she whispered in your ear, "That's the boy." You glance sideways at the tall pale haired boy staring up into the sky. "Him?" You asked. Rose nodded and let go of your hand, retreating to chat with another girl from your cabin. The boy didn't seem to be very social. He was certainly attractive, what, with the pretty curve of his lips and the gentleness of his eyelashes as they brushed his cheeks.

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