nishimura riki - guilty

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a/n: stockholm syndrome is not okay~

tw: kidnapping; cursing; blood; violence

- linden

In most cases, such as yours, life is wash, rinse, repeat until your hands are rubbery with wrinkles from soaking up water. It's a cycle, but there's change in the cycle. Slowly, it comes about until you're standing there and your fingers are wrinkly and you're wondering why the fuck you washed your hands so many times.

That's kind of how a crush came about, but also kind of how disaster came about. At least in most situations, it creeps up on you, and the change happens slowly. The change happens slowly, and you don't realize until you can see it; until you see the tornado and until you see just how you feel.

This happened with a boy in your class. His name was Nishimura Riki, but went by Ni-ki to most people. In comparison to most sixteen year olds, he was insanely attractive with dark hair and eyes, but was quiet with a small group of older friends. He didn't talk to people much, which made people even more curious about him. Most hadn't seen or been able to make him fully smile either; he usually stared around with a faraway look, had intense staring contests with the not-so-pleasant-to-look-at classroom walls or doodled in the margins of the notebook.

With pretty eyes and pink lips, he looked like a dream. When you saw him smile, it felt like a dream. It felt special to see him smile. It was something that was ingrained in your memory, a small moment of strangeness, something you didn't expect, to talk to the mystery boy of your grade. It was the moment that led to everything else.

You didn't realize until then that he lived near you and near to the playground you were at. It was a late autumn evening and the sun had started to paint the sky with colors that the night would soon erase and replace with stars. You were supposed to be home soon, but instead sat swinging gently on the squeaky old swingset in the park.

You closed your eyes a little as you swung back and forth. You could taste the night air on the tip of your tongue; it tasted like the future. When you heard the squeaking of the swing beside yours start up all of a sudden, your eyes flew open and you stretch out your legs to drag yourself to a stop. Wood chips flew up around the soles of your sneakers, but you were too occupied staring at your new companion.

Nishimura Riki. He glanced at you for half a second before turning his gaze to the sky and smiling the tiniest bit. You felt a little bit of your heart start to melt.

"Hey, y/n."

Your first thought was a frenzied, He knows my name??? And your second thought was something along the lines of surprise at the soft low of his voice. It was pretty.

"Did you know that people are afraid of me?"

You blinked, pushing yourself to continue swinging a little. "Why?" You were surprised you could force a word past your lips. Then again, there was nothing to be afraid of, Riki was only a regular person. A tall regular person.

"Hmm.." He pouted a little and kicked at the woodchips. "I'm people. I'm scared of me." He glanced up at you, a small, innocent smile gracing his lips. You took a sharp breath. His eyes were sharp. If you got lost in them you might never escape.

"Why?" You repeated.

"Because of how I've been raised and who I am. I think I should do things because of that, but then I regret it." He glanced at you for barely a moment. "Like talking to you."


Was that all you could say? Stupid. You cursed that part of yourself.

"Your older brother..." He started. "Has a situation with my family and I." This time, he kept his watchful eyes trained on you, his gaze glancing between either of your irises, studying them, studying your emotions.

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