park jongseong - mine 🌅

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enhypen sunset series six

note: "kill the lights, oh baby close your eyes, the way you're lookin at me, you got me mesmerized. something i can't explain, you've got me lost in space, you got that good loving, girl if you leave me i might throw my heart away."


tw: drinking, throwing up

- linden

Most people don't meet their soulmate until they were an adult or late in their teenage years. Meanwhile for you, you'd met Jay when you were both babies. Of course, the colors didn't truly develop until you both made eye contact, which did not occur when you were babies because you were babies. But now, you couldn't even remember what it was like to not see the world in color. Jay was your family friend. It just happened to be that he was also your soulmate.

You'd had romantic feelings for Jay since middle school, but you'd never confessed anything and neither had he. You had a feeling that the two of you might end up as platonic soulmates and each time you had the thought, you felt your heart ache a little.

You were seniors in high school now. You'd known Jay your entire life and you were hopelessly in love with him. His laugh, his smile, his kindness, his dumb jokes, the feeling when he held your hands and rubbed his thumbs over your skin, the way he made your heart pitter patter like the rain when he got a little too close. There were so many things you adored about him. So maybe you were just being miserable when he looked at you like that with those sparkly eyes, maybe you were wrong for once and he did like you back. Or maybe you were right all along.

It was proven to you that you were utterly incorrect at a party between friends. It was held at Jay's house and you were all chattering about the movie that you'd only just finished watching. It was getting dark outside, meaning that everyone would be leaving soon. You had originally planned to carpool with someone, but as your ride was putting on their jacket and shoes, Jay pulled you aside. "Would you mind staying over for the night? Neither of our parents are home right now so I would feel safer if we were together. For both you and me." Jay gently traced little shapes on the skin at the backs of your hands. "Is that okay?"

Your eyes widened slightly. You were partly anxious but also partly excited at the thought of a night alone with him. "Oh, yeah, of course. Let me just tell my ride." You gently slipped your hands from his and walked out into the hall. He followed, leaning against the stairs railing.

After a brief explanation on your part, you both waved goodbye and Jay locked the door behind your friend. You turned to each other, smiling softly. Jay tilted his head and reached out to fix your hair. His fingers lingered. "You know," He said gently. "There's something I've wanted to try for a long time."

You felt your breath hitch. You couldn't help but wonder if it was what you thought it was. Jay's next words confirmed your suspicions.

"Can I kiss you?"

Your lips spread into an anxiously excited smile. "What took you so long to ask?"

Jay cupped your cheek, eyebrows raised and gaze glittering with constellations. "I was afraid."

"So was I."

Jay grinned and leaned closer, dropping his hands to your hips and pulling you closer. He pressed his lips to yours and you felt like fireworks had gone off in your mind. You could feel his fingers digging into your skin and gasped slightly when he turned and pushed you against the door. He pulled away at the breathy sound, eyebrows furrowed. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He fretted. "No." You shook your head, a stupid grin spreading across your face. "Do it again."

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