nishimura riki - misunderstandings

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note: high school au -ish? idk anymore

a/n: we're gonna pretend u live in korea and he's a transfer student from japan
(sorry about the anime references)
and ik this is sorta similar to the other ni-ki one i wrote...but that's okay

tw: none (lmk if im wrong)

1719 words

- linden

"Hey!" Your friend chirped as she ran over to you, "Have you heard??"

"Heard what?!" You asked, suddenly feeling excited. Your friend's eyebrows raised as she smirked, "There's gonna be a new student, and apparently he's from japan."

You raised your own eyebrows at her, "Just because I like japanese things and i have pictures of anime guys on my bedroom wall doesn't mean i'm going to like him."

"We'll see~" She teased.

Now, you kind of wanted to take back your words as you trailed him with your eyes. "He's beautiful." You breathed. His skin was smooth like porcelain, his eyes tipped, and with a scattering of beauty marks all about his seen body. "Told you so." Your friend whispered. "Shut up." You shoved her playfully and tried to hide the shy smile on your face.

You felt your heart rate pick up when he moved towards you. His face was cold, but his eyes perked up a little in amusement at the innocence on your face before returning to normal.

His korean was very good although he didn't seem sure of what he was saying, "Hi- My name is Nishimura Riki, uh, Riki Nishimura..?" He said, staring at you blankly, "How do you check out a book?"

"" You blinked, pointing to yourself.

"Yes." Riki held up his book, and you were delightfully surprised to see a copy of The Promised Neverland manga; and in korean too. Maybe he was practicing his korean reading.

"Su-sure.." You laughed awkwardly at your stupidnesses. For All Might's sake, you didn't even know the kid. You continued as you walked him to the library desk, "Do you have your student ID?"

"Yeah." Riki pulled it out of his pocket and you tried to ignore your friend, who was trailing you with a strange smile. "You give your ID to the person and they'll scan it, and then the book." You showed him the sticker on the book with a fat black barcode.

Riki nodded and followed your instructions. When he'd finished, he didn't even bother saying a 'thank you' and instead walked off with only a glance in your direction.

You felt your heart drop, "Maybe he's just a little closed off." You muttered to yourself. Your friend approached you and gave you a worried look, "Are you okay? My girlfriend texted me and told us to come to her house. She said we can all do homework together."

You brought your gaze up and smiled a little at the kindness in your friend's eyes. You barely even tried, but you couldn't refrain from giving her a hug, "That sounds great, they always have the best snacks."

In the next couple weeks to a month, you found that more than not thanking you, Riki had made it his personal problem to bother you.

Some of his antics included; taking your books, breaking your pencils, taking your pencils, writing on your papers, writing on your hands (in sharpie), and tearing your homework.

It was just your luck that he happened to be in many of your classes.

"Riki, please. I don't have any more pencils." You begged him in a hushed whisper. Riki glanced at the teacher and then at you, fiddling with your cracked pencil.

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