park sunghoon - strawberry milk

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note: high school!au

a/n: souuuuppppper late, but yea this is for valentine's day

tw: just cute for once <3

- linden

Valentine's day. You really loved valentine's day. That, and strawberry milk. Disregarding the milk, you weren't ever too sure why, but valentine's day was always your favorite holiday. It wasn't that you had a significant other to spend it with, but you loved the excuse to give people plushies and drink strawberry milk and eat chocolates. Meanwhile, your friends usually had someone to spend it with. You had one friend who always cribbed about being alone though, so you always ended up exchanging small gifts with her. This year in comparison, you had a crush on someone.

It was you first crush on anyone since some silly crush in the third grade, and your friends fully believed that you fully liked him; they made it seem like love. You highly doubted it was that extreme. The guy probably barely knew your name after all.

So, instead of curled up on the couch with a romance novel and strawberry milk, you were staying after school to hunt down your crush with your friends. Or more so, your friends were doing the searching and you were being dragged along with awkwardly homemade chocolate cupcakes prettily wrapped up and held in your hands.

Your friends perked up in excitement and one girl started smoothing down your hair when they caught sight of him, of Park Sunghoon. You trailed him with your eyes as he crossed the parking lot, looking around with an innocent musing look on his perfect face. You chewed on your bottom lip in nervousness. You could already feel your skin start to heat up and your heart beat start to speed up in embarrassment.

"I don't wanna do it." You squeaked. Your friends pouted at you and Jungwon reached out to pat your hand. "You sure-?" A girl started.

"Come on, hurry, he's leaving!" Sunoo yelped under his breath. You furrowed your eyebrows and sucked in your lips. Alright. You told yourself. It's okay. If he rejects you, you can say it was a joke and then cry later when he's out of sight. You took a deep breath. Calm down, bitch. You got this. You scolded yourself. Another deep breath and you started on a small awkward jog across the parking lot.

You stopped a foot or two behind him and tried to figure out how to get his attention. You raised a hand and leaned forward a little to tap his shoulder, but by that time, Sunghoon had turned around and was looking at you.

"Oh!" You moved back a little and hid the cupcakes behind your back. You almost felt like you couldn't breathe out of fear. "Do you, um, Sunghoon, uh, would you...would you like to be, um, my valentine...?" Your voice had died down to a terrified little whisper by the last couple of words. You were staring down at your shoes and chewing on the inside of your cheek. When you looked up, Sunghoon's face had turned a strawberry sort of red and he looked a little embarrassed, but with a small smile growing on his face.

"Um-" The words stumbled past your lips. "You look like a strawberry so can I be the ice cream?" You squeaked. God, you were spending too much time around Jake and Heeseung. Your skin had heated up so much out of embarrassment that you felt like you were on fire. Unconsciously, you started to lift a hand to touch the edge of your burning ear, but stopped halfway and dropped your hand.

Sunghoon was watching you curiously, his skin still flushed and a smile growing wider and wider on his face in the following seconds. Finally, he couldn't help but giggle a little bit. His nose scrunched up and he was smiling so big the dimple in his right cheek indented itself into his skin. At the same time, it almost felt like he was trying not to laugh to loudly.

He looked down at the ground, still wearing a shy smile and his eyes glittering like a thousand snowflakes. As the time passed, your eyebrows grew furrowed and your stomach swam in a sickly nervous way. "It was a jo-" You started in a tiny voice.

"Yes." Sunghoon said softly. He was looking at you now, still sort of shy and sucking in his lips, but also ready. You raised your eyebrows and your eyes widened in surprise. "Oh...Oh!" Your mouth dropped open the tiniest bit. "Oh..." You scrambled to pull the cupcakes out from behind your back, twisting your arms around before presenting it in front of you. "I made these for you." You said softly. "Sorry if they're bad."

Sunghoon reached out and held your hands to the small package of cupcakes. His hands were warm but also sort of cold, like the warmth came from his body and the cold from his fingertips. It was an endearing feeling. They were also so soft. His hands, they were really pretty. Prettier than yours even. Wow.

"They look good." Sunghoon made a pouty expression at the cupcakes and took them from you, pausing for a moment to push them gently into his bag. You waited with your hands clutched in front of you, patiently now and with your heart just the slightest bit calmed down.

"Can I hug you?" You whispered. Sunghoon gave you a small nod and a lil thumbs up before his hand faltered and dropped. You inched forward and wrapped your arms around his torso. He sighed and it felt like all of the tension was leaving his body at your touch. You had a strange feeling Sunoo was taking pictures, but you didn't care enough. You didn't even care enough to remember there might be other students in the parking lot. Not a lot, but still some.

You felt Sunghoon's hands move softly around until he was hugging you properly back. He let out a soft breath then took another in. He parted from you a little, studying your face. "You smell like strawberries." He said curiously, almost skeptically. You giggled. "Thank you. It's my shampoo."

"Oh." He smiled fluffily, directing his shining eyes at you. He released you enough that you were standing just in front of him and he could fiddle with your fingers, lacing and unlacing them with his.

"Uhm." He smiled a little more in an attempt to lighten the situation and make it more natural. "Do you want to go get strawberry milk with me...some day?" He asked.

You tried your best not to giggle at his cuteness but a small laugh spilled past your lips as you nodded. Sunghoon's smile widened and he laughed again, with you.

"Um." You held up your hand with fingers raised, lowering them as you spoke like you were counting down points. "We can meet on sunday at like 11:00 in the morning. Is that okay?" When Sunghoon nodded, you continued, "What about that Vanilla Cafe near the corner shop?"

Sunghoon nodded again. "Yeah." He said softly. Slowly, he leaned in closer to you while you watched in curiosity. His pink lips curved up a little as he pressed a small shy kiss on your forehead, leaving you startled and flustered. He gave your hand a small squeeze before pulling out a small heart shaped chocolate from his pocket and pressing it into your palm. Then, he turned away and started walking to his car, wearing a small smirk on his face.

You just couldn't help the smile that spread across your face.

Vanilla Cafe at 11:00 am with Park Sunghoon. You grinned. For strawberry milk. The ultimate Valentine's day drink.

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