park jongseong - ophelia

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note: high school au?

a/n: hamlet is overriding my system- help me, doing annotations sucks (ik this imagine is short but i hope u like it)

tw: cringiness (jahsoNdhdj it's so bad-)

859 words

- linden

To my celestial and my soul's idol:

You can doubt that the stars are fire;
You can doubt that the sun moves;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love you.

You are my Ophelia, and though I'm not 'mad' for your love and though I'm not plotting the murder of my uncle as Hamlet does, you can know I'm yours.

Please meet me in the Art room after school today

- Your Hamlet

"That- that's cheeesyy." You mumbled as you stared at the expensive paper in your hands. Even so, the flush of your cheeks and the way your lips twitched up in an almost-smile told a different story.

Fumbling, you pushed the note back into your locker where you'd found it and slammed it shut. The person to your right yelped and your eyes widened to find Jake, "SORRY." You apologized. He gave you an awkward smile and giggled, "It's okay."

You nodded in a way that sent your hair dashing across your face and hurried on your way to class.

You sat down at your desk heavily, "What do I do?" You asked your best friend, Sunghoon. He didn't even spare you a glance, "About what?"

"Look at me first."

"I am multitasking at its finest." He grumbled, putting his book down, "How could you say that." You patted his head mockingly, "Aww, what a tinie babie." You cooed.

"What do you need help with?" He asked as he brushed your hand off his head.

"So, that guy who's been writing me as Hamlet...he asked me to meet him in the art room today."

Sunghoon scoffed, "And you're going to do it?"

"Obviously! He's so sweet even through letters." You pouted. From your left you felt a tap on your shoulder, "Yah, the teacher's going to get upset, shh" Jay said softly to you.

You felt your skin flush, "Oh." Your eyes widened and you looked up to the front of the room where your teacher looked over the class with a cold gaze. Everyone seemed to copy you and looked up to the teacher, going silent.

The teacher cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak. So on and on he went, endlessly droning about history.

Later, after school, Sunghoon was your escort to the art room, bearing with your grumbling about not needing an 'escort'. "Aigooo, we're hereee!" You exclaimed, clapping your hands lightly.

"Why are you so excited over some guy??"

"Doesn't matter. Stay out here and don't come in."

"Yeah, yeah." Sunghoon mumbled, but he looked at you fondly, like you were his younger sister experiencing love for the first time.

You pushed the door open.

"Hey." He said cooly. You nearly fell over, red faced, "Jay?"

"Hi y/ Ophelia."

You let the door shut behind you and walked forward cautiously. Of course fate led you to the boy you'd had a crush on for three years straight. "You're..." You gulped, "My Hamlet?"

Jay nodded and took your hands, rubbing your knuckles with his soft thumbs. "I love being friends with you...but I think I want more." Jay murmured, "Let's hope it doesn't end like Romeo and Juliet, though." He said as his lips quirked up in a smile.

You giggled, "What's with the shakespeare references?" Jay shrugged, "It's hard to read but the story's good."

For a moment you almost forgot this was a confession because of how comfortably the two of you conversed. Jay seemed to realize at the same time, and you could visibly see him trying not to break your gaze.

"I'm sorry If you don't like me asking..." Jay said softly, "But can i kiss you...?

You fought with yourself for a moment. This was all so sudden; and did you really want Park Jongseong to steal your first kiss?

Yes. The answer was yes.

You nodded and let your eyes flutter shut. Jay's lips touched your softly. It was only a little more than a peck, but it made your heart flutter nonetheless.


You yelped when you heard Sunghoon's voice and moved away from Jay at the speed of light. "NOTHING." You said loudly, "NOTHING HAPPENED."

You averted your gaze and watched a paintbrush roll off a table, glance off the edge of a stool and land on the floor with a clatter. The silence was loud.

Sunghoon surveyed the room. "Oh, it's just Jay. Carry on kissing or go home. You have late work to do."

"You ruined the moment, Hoonie." You grumbled. "Besides, since when we're you the responsible one?"

"Since now apparently. Come on."

"Okay." You moved toward Jay for a moment more and gave his hand a squeeze. "Thank you for that kiss, y/n." He murmured in your ear when you hugged him.

You could feel the heat rush to your face but ignored it, "Mhm." You went off to follow Sunghoon, glancing back just once to see a smile on Jay's face.


"You're not a very good Hamlet and Ophelia, you two." Sunghoon said as you walked home with him, "You're too cute."

Your lips perked up in a smile, "Awe, thanks."

"You didn't hear that from me."

You nodded, "My lips are sealed.

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