yang jungwon - warm toned grays 🌅

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enhypen sunset series two

note: "maybe my soulmate died, i don't know, maybe i don't have a soul."


tw: mentions of suicide

- linden

Your mother had never seen colors before in her life, and neither had your dad. Why? Because they had never found their soulmates. You saw how they lived, they were always happy, but they always seemed to be missing something. They loved each other, but they always seemed to be missing someone. It seemed sad to you. You, who hadn't found your soulmate yet, and would likely end up just like them.

You had accepted it by the time you neared your eighteenth birthday, that you didn't even remotely know someone who could be your soulmate. You could be happy in the future without your soulmate. That was something you just had to accept, and it was accepted. So, in time it came that you completely stopped trying.


"Hey, Mum, who's that?" You pointed to an old photograph in one of the albums you and your mom were going through. Your mom squinted a little bit and adjusted her glasses before smiling warmly. "Oh, that's a friend of your dad's. He used to live in this area in fact, but poor soul died when he was around your age." She frowned a little and brushed nonexistent dust from the photograph as if that would make the faded photo clearer. You frowned along with her. "What was his name?"

"Jungwon..." She mused. "I think his name was Jungwon. He was such a nice boy and everything too." She sighed and flipped to the next page as the plastic sheet over the photographs crinkled. "What a shame."


There were colors in the middle of the night, not that you realized it. He would sit in the corner of your room and weep. You remember being little and feeling someone there, seeing a flash of warmth, a blueish color in the static-y darkness, but it all felt like a hallucination. He would hold your hand when you were sick, and he would hug you when you cried, but who was he? You had no idea, and he was never there in the morning, only ever in the middle of the night when your room was filled with the gray of twilight.

Never in the daytime, never at sunset. Why not at the sunset? That's when the most beautiful of colors showed themselves. Why not at the sunset?

Probably, you told yourself many times, it was all a dream. After all, there was no he, you couldn't see colors, the midnight was just as gray and black as it always had been. There wasn't blue, the moonlight wasn't blue. Everything was most definitely fake, you were soulmate-less, and you knew it without knowing that Jungwon from so many years ago lived a miserable, yearning life- the same one that you lived sometimes.


A pair of warm arms snaked their way around your waist. You turned around and tucked yourself into the coziness of the non-existent boy. It didn't make any logical sense- but neither did soulmates. "I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" His breath hit your forehead, pleasant like hot chocolate. "No." You said under your breath.

Jungwon brushed down your hair. "Happy birthday."

"Where'd you learn that?"

"I overheard your mom. Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"Why don't you tell me how you died?" You inched your fingers slowly around his body and felt him lean into your touch. "I didn't want to tell you because we were both young."

"Yeah, i know, you age with me and things."

You could feel Jungwon nod against the side of your head. "It's because I killed myself."

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