Chapter Five

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"I've got a patient to see, I'll see you around, Poppy" Dr. Nelson gives me a pat on my shoulder as he heads off.

"Wait" I turn to look at him as he does the same "do you know where Reginal Hope is?" I ask, feeling bad about taking up his time but needing his help.

He points to one of the towers "Tower One" he waves goodbye as he heads off to my right and out of sight.

I jump in place as a bang is heard from somewhere. I note the wondering eyes of the inmates that crawl along my body, making a shiver go down my spine.

"C'mon Poppy, you've got this" I whisper to myself as I straighten my back and take a deep breath. I make my way to the left, towards the staircase that leads to Tower One. It's metal and creaks under my weight, as I near the top I can hear voices inside.

I knock on the door, the metal hurting my knuckles and making the sound echo throughout the huge room. I breathe in shakily as the voices inside halt before heavy footsteps can be heard from inside, coming closer.

A burly man stands in the doorway; he's probably mid fifties with short military style hair and dressed in a guards uniform.

"Yes?" he questions, his voice deep and intimidating.

"I-uh I'm new here, I was told to find Reginal Hope" I state, his eyes flick behind me as I hear boots on the ground beneath us.

"Call me Reg" he states, I nod jerkily as he looks down at me "what's your name?" he asks. 

"Poppy Hart" I answer. He opens the door further to let me in, I'm glad because I don't know if I have the strength in me to hold the heavy door.

The tower is circular; half of the room opposite me has a desk running along half the room as huge windows that look over the Rec Room. Computers line the desk as guards sit at them, their typing fast paced.

More men reside in the tower than women but there are more women here then I thought there would be. The revelation makes me feel slightly calmer.

The door slams shut behind me as I enter the tower. A couple people turn their heads to take a look at the person that entered.

"Alright" Reg turns to a safe off to the side, he covers the pin as it beeps open. "These are yours" he hands me pepper spray and a small gun. My gut churns when I take it in my hand, the overwhelming feeling of what I've gotten myself into sets in.

No, it wasn't me, it's the government. I don't know what they were thinking to put me in here; I've never even seen a gun before.

Reg eyes me as I stand holding the gun in one hand and the pepper spray in the other "know how to use them?" he questions.

"No" I shake my head.

"You'll learn" he says. My jaw drops as I realise I'm not going to get the training I thought I would. He turns around, seemingly going through papers before turning back to me.

"Okay, you're in Tower Three" he instructs. I nod, hoping he shows me which tower is Tower Three so I can save the embarrassment of going to all the towers in the hope of finding the third one.

"Give me a second, Zach" he calls as he opens the door, holding it open for me to walk through.

A faint 'go for it, Reg' is heard before the door slams shut. Reg leads the way down the steps, his weight making the staircase wobble much more then my own weight did, I grab at the rail to keep my balance.

Inmates bang on the tables as we walk past, far too many eyes on me for my own liking as they begin to hoot and howl for attention.

"Cut it out!" Reg growls as he takes out his batten and slams in on the fence, the noise loudly echoing throughout the room. It does nothing to stop them.

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