Chapter Ten

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I hear the guard's footsteps leave after a while, the door swinging closed behind her. Just in time as I begin to start to feel claustrophobic in the small stall.

I don't bother locking the door, I don't really care if anyone walks in, I just need to stick my face under the tap. The water is ice cold and freezes my hands as I cup them before bringing them to my face. The cold shocks my system as it touches my face.

I have really got to stop Hex from getting to me. I know that's a false hope but it doesn't stop me from thinking it.

I groan out loud in frustration and smack the basin surface; I look towards the ceiling while shaking my head. I can't believe I was so stupid to let Josie distract me, if it was any other inmate they could have broken my hand or fingers. But this is so much worse, it's Hex. He definitely felt the shock to the heart, the same one I did and he definitely knows something is up, he may have even realised I'm his Darling.

I just want to go to bed but I'm only a couple hours into this shift, I still have most of the night to go. How am I meant to pretend everything is fine around Josie?

"Fuck me" I whisper into the air in frustration, running a hand through my hair.

I pull my shirt collar down to see my brand, knowing it's going to be sensitive and throbbing.

Sure enough it is.

"Poppy?" Josie calls through the door. I wipe the droplets off my face with a paper towel and take a deep breath.

"I'll be out in a second!" I call back.


I don't know if Josie noticed anything but she doesn't question anything. We spend the rest of the night in the tower, mostly just watching the other towers. All the inmate's remained in their cells; the only motions triggering the cameras are the guard's walking back and forth.

We even got to take turns sleeping every now and then while the other kept an eye out, it wasn't very comfortable sleeping in the chairs but it was better then nothing.

The sunrise can be seen from the outside windows as the inmate's begin to wake, they can be heard mutter in their cells as they wake up with the sun.

Josie stands and stretches her hands above her head "that was a long night" she says with a yawn. I nod, agreeing with her as her yawn triggers my own.

I clean up the wrappers of candy we had consumed over night that Josie had stashed away in her locker.

"We have to feed the inmate's breakfast" Josie says as she grabs the key that unlocks the cells. My breathing stops in my throat as I look out over the Rec Room.

"We have to take them food again?" I ask, my voice shaky.

"No" she waves her key around her hand "we have to take them to the dining room" she says, walking towards the door. We have to take them to the dining room? As in take them out of their cells?

"'C'mon" she says as she pushes open the door. I follow behind her, hiding my hands behind my back as they shake.

I shake out my hands, trying to get rid of the nerves. I can't let the inmate's see I'm wary or they'll take advantage of it.

We walk into the kitchen that joins to the dining room. It's all set up this morning, last night it was just an empty room but now it's full of tables and chairs, waiting for the inmate's to be seated.

"Ready for the inmate's?" Josie asks the chef. He's an older guy with long, grey hair; he's tall and slightly overweight.

"Yeah Josie, bring 'em in" he says.

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