Chapter TwentySix

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It's visitation day again today. The room had already been set up by the time I make it there and the first visitor's are meant to walk through the door in the next five minutes.

I had received an email half an hour ago with all the inmate's I am to be in charge of while visitation goes on, including Hex. For once I was hoping someone else would be in charge of Hex, I'm still embarrassed about how I acted last visitation.

But that's just me dreaming because of course I'm in charge of Hex and surprise surprise Harley is the one visiting him. I wonder if he had told her about us being Darlings? If he had maybe that would excuse some of my behaviour towards her.

A flush of embarrassment rises on my skin as I dread meeting her again. I can't even apologize to her it would be strange for a guard to start up a conversation with an inmate's relative.

"You get your email?" John asks as he zooms past me, the scent of his cologne lingering in the air.

"Yeah, did you need any help?" I question as he goes around ticking off last minute details before visitation starts.

"I've got a lot on my plate today, can I rely on you to give me some extra help?" he asks as he types away on a computer.

"Yeah sure, let me know what you need done".

I start to feel nervous and anxious as the clock ticks closer to the set time of Hex's visitation. I have to leave to retrieve him in only a few minutes and I know Harley is probably only outside the doors as she gets scanned by the metal detectors.

I had only seen Josie fleetingly every now and then as we pass by each other with new inmate's as we take them to and from their cells.

I push off the wall, deciding it'd be better to have a few extra minutes with Hex alone before visitation.

I pass multiple guards, some that I know and some that I've never seen before. It's quiet as I get to Solitary Confinement; none of them except Hex had visitation rights therefore there's no guards here retrieving anyone.

Hex is looking out his cell window when I walk up to his cell, his hands rest above the door as he waits for me to come get him.

I unlock the cell and push him back by his chest before stepping in myself.

He keeps his hands on the beam above as I stand on my tip toes and hold his shoulders, pressing a hard kiss to his mouth. He groans, not expecting it. His mere presence is enough to calm my anxiousness, my brand throbs in my chest.

I pull away, the silence between us comforting. His eyebrows pull together when he picks up on my nerves. I watch as his eyes scan my body, looking for anything wrong before he looks in my eyes again.

"What's wrong?" his voice is deep and raspy. The volume louder then I'd like it to be since both his cell door and the door separating Solitary Confinement are both open. I look behind me and out the door for anybody that could possibly hear; no one can be seen.

"Your sister's coming to visit" I state, hoping he catches on. His face remains stoic as he waits for me to go on, I could tell he knew what I was getting at but he was waiting for me to say it myself. "I-I wasn't very nice to her last time" I confess.

He smirks, his amusement evident. Behind his eyes I could see that he liked my reaction to someone who I thought was a threat.

"Hex, it's not funny" I shove his chest with my palm. He snatches it up and presses my palm to his mouth, kissing it. My breath halts in my throat.

"Don't worry about it" he grumbles as he pulls me closer by my hand, our chests touching.

"Will you say sorry for me?" I whisper as his face is only centimeters from my own. He doesn't answer verbally but when he shoves his head in my neck I know he will.

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