Chapter Twelve

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I stayed the rest of the day at Hellbound, as did Josie. The pepper spray effects didn't last long, our red eyes the only lasting effect throughout the day. The real nightmare began when West picked me up at the end of the day.

"Are you sure you're okay?" West asks again as he looks over at me in the passenger seat. I look out the window, rolling my eyes so he can't see.

"Yes I'm fine, West" I state firmly, the irritation clear in my voice. He had been at it since the moment I sat in the passenger seat and he got a look at my red eyes. He doesn't seem to understand that I feel fine; my eye's are fine they're just red.

"I don't know, maybe we should go to your mothers" he mutters "she would know what to do" he continues on. I roll my eyes again as the outside rushes past the windows. It irritates me that he's treating me like a child that can't speak for myself.

"We're going there for dinner tonight, she can check my eye's then" I say firmly as I turn to face him "can you drop it now?" I would've loved his concern a few weeks ago, the worry in his voice would've made my heart beat for him but now I'm just annoyed. I'm overly irritated and I can't tell if it's my emotions or Hex's.

The rest of the car ride home is silent, the radio making it slightly less awkward. My annoyance starts to fade once we get out of the car and inside the house.

"I'm having a shower" I mutter as I start for the bedroom. West doesn't answer me.

I lock the bathroom door behind me just to make sure I'm alone and West doesn't try to join me. I just need to be by myself for a few moments.

I can still smell the tiniest scent of pepper spray clinging to my clothes as I slip from my uniform and into the shower. It's not enough to make my body react and it's gone in seconds as the water runs down my body and washes it away.

The tension rolls off my body quickly, being washed down the drain. I feel my shoulder's drop and my jaw relax.

Just like everytime I'm alone my mind wonders to Hex. It's become a routine now. All the tension is suddenly between my legs as I breathe out a deep breath. The difference this time is that it's all me and not nearly as strong as when Hex triggered it.

I won't do it though. I cross my legs and rub my thighs in an attempt to make it go away. I can only hope it's not strong enough that Hex has picked up on it.

My breast's become round and heavy, wanting nothing more then for someone to touch them but I keep my hands in my hair, washing away the shampoo.

"Babe" a knock is heard at the door, breaking my thoughts and making me jump "hurry up, we're going to be late" West calls.

"Almost done!" I shout back.


"That was lovely, Emma" West says as he finishes off his plate. Sure enough, mum had fussed over my eyes even though after the shower they'd cleared up considerably. I allowed her to put eye drops in so that the worrying between her and West would stop.

"You're welcome, West" she smiles as she gathers the dirty dishes "Poppy, can you help me in the kitchen?" she asks. I nod and grab the remaining dishes she can't hold.

"Here, honey" she holds out the tea towel as she begins to wash the dishes before handing them to me to dry. It's silent between us for a while as mum hums a song under her breath and dad and West talk about cars in the next room.

"Hey mum?" my voice is quiet, not wanting dad and West to hear the conversation.

"Yeah?" she hums as she continues washing dishes.

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