Chapter Six

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I jolt in my seat as my heart jumps and my brand burns, hotter then it ever had before. My hand flies up to my chest doing its best to calm both my heart and brand as I swing my gaze back to him and watch as his hand does the same with the stocic expression continuing to remain on his face.

"I know" Josie says as she sees me trying to calm myself "he makes your heart play up". The burning of my mark doesn't let up, if anything it becomes hotter no matter how much I try and rub it away.

"Are you okay?" Colin asks as he pulls his gaze away from the computer.

"I-Im going to go to the bathroom" I say as I abruptly stand up, walking towards the door, needing to get out, I can't breathe.

"Do you know where it is?" Josie calls from behind me.

"I'll find it" I call back as I use all of my strength to push the door open and stagger down the steps, clutching at my brand the entire time.

The steps creak as my boots thunder down them, the thought of them collapsing not even entering my mind. I reach the bottom in no time as I round the corner and come into full view of the inmates.

I falter in my step. In the rush of needing to get away I had overlooked the fact that I'd have to walk past all the inmates to leave.

I do my best to hold my head high and ignore the burn of my brand as I make my way past them. The odd hoot and holla from them is heard, I don't know if it's directed at me as I avoid looking in their direction at all cost.

I can see Hex from the corner of my eye as I pick up my pace, wanting to leave faster. He's not looking in my direction as I come closer, about to pass him.

Just as I think I've got past him without any problem, I feel it, the heat of his gaze as he looks up. I don't dare look in his direction, keeping my head straight and stoic, not giving anything away. His eyes drag along my body; I feel it start at my legs as they travel slowly up my body before coming to rest on the side of my face. I do my best to stop the blush from rising but it's no use when I see his arm rise to rub his chest. I hear the briefest of grunts from him as he looks away.

I use my keycard on the door and it opens easily, the moment it shuts I breathe a sign of relief as my brand immediately begins to cool down. The separation from the door doing wonders as my body slowly starts to go back to its previous state.

Other emotions start to set it. Panic, disbelief, shock. My skin becomes sticky with sweat, as I feel myself becoming too hot.

I walk fast down the hallway, coming back to the door that leads to the outside, instead I take a left and hope I can find a bathroom somewhere.

"Oof" my breath is knocked out of me as I turn a corner and run into someone.

"Oh, sorry. Are you okay?"!she asks as she grabs my forearm.

"Yeah, yeah" I answer "uh, bathroom?" I ask as I walk backwards away fom her, hopefully in the direction of a bathroom.

"Just to your right" she answers. I thank her and hurriedly make my way there.

I find it in no time, pushing open the door and checking all the stalls. It's empty, nobody in sight. I lock the door, making sure nobody can enter so I can have a moment to myself.

I look a right mess as I make my way to the large mirror above the sinks. My fly aways hang around my face, coming undone from my ponytail that had once been neat this morning. My face is shiny with sweat and pale.

I inhale a deep breath. Hex Rose is only a few doors away from me. The man I thought I'd never know, the man I was told I'd never know. I've spent so many sleepless nights thinking of him and even though I never knew what he looked like I could still somehow envision him. I envisioned him while having sex with West for crying out loud.

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