Chapter Fourteen

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The guilt eats away at me the second I step out of his cell. So much so that I made up an excuse to Josie saying I wasn't feeling well and went home early. Mum had to come pick me up because West had the car at the station and the last thing I wanted to do was face him.

"Thanks mum" I say as I close the car door in front of my house.

"Let me know if you need anything, honey" she calls as I walk up to the door, waving me goodbye. 

The house is quiet, exactly what I need as I collapse onto the couch. My eyes close in seconds as I lean my head back, the emotional exhaustion finally taking over my body as I sink into the cushions.

The guilt really starts to set in as I think over what happened today. I feel guilty for doing this to West but as bad as it is I feel more guilt towards Hex, he has no idea about West. I know it's only our bond as Darlings that's talking considering I know next to nothing about him but I can't help but feel this way.

I groan as I run my hands through my hair, tugging on it. To add to it, West has picked up on my distance, he knows something's not right.

I have to make this relationship work, I can't let everything we've built together burn to the ground.

Four hours later I find myself wiping the sweat off my brow as I open the oven door, the heat from the roast pork hitting me in the face. It was the last thing I need to prepare before dinner is done. The roast potatoes, corn and peas as well as gravy are already set on the dinner table. Two place mats rest on the table for West and I.

I place the pork on the table before looking at the clock on the wall. West should be home in five minutes. I quickly head into the bedroom; I had showered earlier so I head straight into the closet and change into a lacey black underwear set. I pull on a black slip dress on over it.

I quickly ruffle my hair as I hear the front door open.

"Babe?" West calls as I hear him take off his boots.

I skip down the hallway towards him.

"Bab-" he stops mid sentence as I come into view. He straightens up from taking off his shoes as his mouth gapes. I'm not going to lie, I like the gawking.

"What's all this?" he asks as he steps up to me, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"I made us dinner" I say as I lead him into the dining room.

"Yeah, you did" he says as he gawks over the food. It pulls a proud smile from me.

"Here give me this, you sit" I say as I take his firefighting jacket off his shoulders. It's heavy but I manage to hang it off the hook on the wall by the entry.

West has started putting food on both of our plates when I come back. He sits directly across from me. I pour a glass of wine for the both of us.

We start eating as silence surrounds us.

"Is there a reason for this" West asks "did I miss an anniversary?" he panics for a second, his face wary.

"No" I chuckle as I finish my mouthful and take a sip of wine "we've both been busy, so I thought I'd make some time for us" I explain. His expression relaxes as he smiles.

"Well, this is the best thing I've ever eaten" he says as he shoves another mouthful in.

"I'm glad" I chuckle.

The rest of dinner we spend discussing our day, well West's day. I do my best to steer his questioning away from Hellbound the best I can and it works, he doesn't seem to notice. He got a promotion at the station, an opportunity for a higher rank which explains his considerably good mood.

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