Chapter Thirteen

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"He said what!" Josie almost spits her food out all over the desk.

"Yeah, I'm Rose's new guard" I confirm, watching her facials as she finally understands what I said.

"Oh my fucking god, you are one lucky lady" she whistles under her breath. I look away as the blush rises on my cheeks.

"What happened to his last guard?" I ask. From what I knew he hadn't had a guard since I had started here and why does he need one? I wonder as I pull my eyebrows together.

"Uh, he didn't really like his guard, said he was overbearing. At least that's what his statement said" she explains.

"Statement?" I question as she continues to talk over me.

"As for why he needs one, he doesn't, he hasn't had a guard in over a year, that's why I'm surprised" she rambles on. He hadn't had a guard in a year and didn't want one until yesterday. Great.

"Are you sure this is safe?" I mean, I'm not even fully trained. I know Hex wouldn't hurt me, the assault rates against Darlings are almost zero percent but at this point I'm willing to use any excuse to get out of being his guard.

"Have some faith in yourself" she bumps my shoulder with her own "you know how to use your gun and pepper spray and I've shown you everything you need to know" she tries to raise my confidence.

"I don't know, Josie" I mumble as I look out over the Rec Room. It's early morning and breakfast is about to be served, meaning I'll have to get Hex soon and bring him to the dining room.

"What did what's his face have to say about it?" Josie asks as she flicks through the cameras. Colin pays us no mind, I don't even know if he's listening to our conversation.

"West?" I question. She nods. "He was excited for me" I lie. He wasn't excited, he freaked out. Something about how the inmate could do this and that to me and nobody would know. If only he knew what the inmate could potentially do to me.

I cross my legs tightly as my heartbeat can be felt between them.

"See!" she throws her hands up "there's no reason to be worried" she sings "c,mon, we have to get General Population to the dining room" Josie stands up as I follow her.

Everything goes smoothly as General Population eat in peace. I watch the minutes tick away on the clock, knowing it's only a matter of time before I have to retrieve Hex.

"You'll be fine, stop stressing" Josie says from besides me as we watch over the inmate's as they eat. She must be taking my nerves for worry. I'm not worried at all. I'm nervous, in the 'butterflies in my stomach' kind of way.

"Alright that's it!" John shouts, clapping his hands. The guards start towards the inmate's, ready to take them back to their cells.

"You get Hex, I'll take everyone back" Josie says as she walks away from me. She's too far away to hear me as I open my mouth to decline.

I walk out the dining room and take my time to walk to Solitary Confinement in an attempt to even out my breathing, doing my best to calm my body before Hex makes it spiral again.

I don't run into any guards in the hallways, most of them are in the dining room helping out but I know that there's cameras for my safety.

As soon as I enter Solitary Confinement the inmate's start acting up. Some catcall me from one direction while other's make crude remarks from the other direction. I find myself walking faster towards Hex's cell, wanting to get away from them.

I scan my card and don't even think as I step through and close the door behind me; the voice's of the inmate's become non-exsistent through the soundproof door.

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