Chapter FortyTwo

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The smile on my face couldn't be wider as I skip my happy self through Hellbound's doors. Even the lady at the window thows me a confused look at my overly excited tone for a Monday morning. Today is the first time I see Hex in three days.

"Hi John, how are you?" I throw over my shoulder as I continue to the Rec Room. He greets me back and doesn't question the skip in my step.

It wasn't often Hex and I texted or called each other as Hex wasn't technically allowed to have a phone in prison but over the weekend it seems we couldn't stop, my phone had a permanent place in my hand, waiting for it to vibrate with a notification from Hex.

"Morning guys" I say as I enter Tower Three. Both Josie and Colin turn to look at me.

"Morning" Colin replies back before turning back to his computer. If I wasn't so used to him, I'd consider his actions rude.

"Good morning, Poppy" Josie smiles at me as I unload my stuff into my locker and take a seat next to her.

"What's happening?" I ask as I scope out the plan for today.

"Not a lot. Breakfast is in half an hour, visitation at twelve and then Rec afterwards" Josie reads off her computer screen as she pulls up the schedule for today.

It's only half an hour until I have to retrieve Hex from his cell and bring him to the dining room. It's his first day out of lockdown today and even though he prefers to keep to himself I know he's ready to leave his cell.

I wonder if Harley's coming to visit Hex today. I'll have to ask him.

I flick through the cameras quickly, lingering slightly on the few that are placed in Solitary Confinement; there are no guard's in there.

"I'll see you in the dining room" I say to Josie as I note there's still fifteen mintues before breakfast. She gives me a knowing look as she nods her head.

I stand on my toes to look into the window of his cell. He's already awake and doing pull up's on the beam across the ceiling. He's facing me and see's me immediately when I stick my head in the window. He drops his arm and falls down, landing on his feet before walking up to the cell door.

"Morning" I say as I open the door. He says nothing but grabs me and pulls me into him. His sweaty skin sticks to my bare arms.

He backs me up into the wall and presses his body to mine. The feel of his body against mine ignites me as my brand starts to pound.

"Hmm" he hums as he presses his hips to mine. I can feel him hard through his jumpsuit and my legs begin to weaken. His lips find my neck as he nips harshly at the skin.

"We can't, Hex" I say breathlessly as I push on his shoulder "you'll miss breakfast".

"Fuck breakfast" he mumbles into my neck as his hands grip my hips.

I chuckle quietly "you don't mean that" he grunts and I know he does mean it. "Cmon, we need to go to the dining room" I push against him again as my body yearns for him to be close.

He steps back, the look in his eyes is anything but happy.

He grabs at his crotch as he adjusts himself "fucks sake" he grumbles, it makes me laugh.

Hex is one of the first inmate's in the dining room when we arrive, he throws me a look when I seat him and take off his cuffs. I ignore it, pretending I didn't see it and go to the wall to wait for Josie.

Inmate's pile in one by one as guard's escort them to chairs in the dining room. Josie enters the room, escorting the last inmate.

The trays begin to get dished out as the guard's grab two each and hand them out to the inmate's, placing them on the tables.

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