Chapter ThirtyThree

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"So is that it?" mum asks as Josie and Harvey help me load my bags inside. I hadn't told mum that I was going to West's to collect my things. I could see the slight sadness in her eyes at the fact that everything is now official. She had high hopes for West and I; just like I did a few months ago and now at the age of twenty five I'm starting my life over.

"That's it" I confirm. Dad is still at work, he knows that I'm moving in with them for a period of time but he has no idea about West no longer being apart of this family. Without a doubt he'd be more crushed over that then his daughters feelings.

I thank Josie and Harvey as I bid goodbye once all my bags had been transported from the car to my room with the promise of seeing Josie at work tomorrow.

"How are you going to tell your father? You know he'll be heartbroken" mum says as I meet her in the kitchen.

I sigh "honestly, I haven't even thought about it. Is it bad that I don't really care?" I ask. It's true, not once during this whole ordeal had I thought about dad's feelings. It's not my fault; he was the one that chose to develope a relationship with his son-in-law instead of his daughter.

"Poppy" mum gives me a look "that's not nice, honey" I ignore her and change the subject.

"Anyway what's for dinner, mum?"


Colin had called in sick today, leaving Josie and I to do the three person job of running the tower. Josie had stayed in the tower to watch the cameras and also do whatever Colin spends all day doing on the computer while I watch over the Yard.

It was hot, the blazing sun making it hard to even keep cool in the shade. I had worn the uniformed shorts today. They fall to mid thigh, long enough to not draw attention but short enough to have Hex's attention.

He sits at his usual table, facing me. He had been silent when I retrieved him from his cell, it didn't worry me though; he has his days and today seemed to be one of them.

My eyes rarely ever leave him, except for when someone else would grab my attention while his stayed firmly on me too as he lifts the cigarette to and from his mouth. The sexual tension between us can be felt from across the Yard as I watch his lips wrap around the end of the cigarette. His eyes run up and down my bare legs as they cross tightly to stop the throb that's developing. Even from across the Yard I can see his eyes darkening.

My eyes scan the Yard as I look for anyone who has noticed Hex and I but find no one. The other guards are on the other side of the Yard as most of the inmate's remain over there using the gym equiptment.

My hand travels to my shirt and unbuttons the top button. To anyone else it would just look like I'm trying to cool myself, nothing can be seen only more skin of my sternum, it's enough to get Hex going though.

His hands clench in fists as he does his own scan of the Yard before pulling his eyes back to me. His attention goes to my legs as they once again squeeze together. The skin on the back of neck starts to sweat from either the heat or Hex, I don't know but both are making me dizzy.

My hand reaches up again to unbutton a second button but a thud is heard as Hex slams his fist on the table and stands up, walking towards me. I choke on my breath not expecting him to do this; it gathers a few of the surrounding inmate's attention.

He holds his hands out for me to cuff him before I lead him back inside.

"You're playing a dangerous game, baby" he hushes as we walk into the prison. I don't acknowledge him as he walks behind me, dangerously close. I can feel him rub against me through our clothing as we walk.

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