Chapter TwentyFour

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The weeks start to roll into one. Nothing eventful happens and everything seemed to go back to normal. I'm still sleeping in the spare bedroom and West and I still go about things the way roommate's would. Our affection has been non-exsistent which I'm happy for, I didn't know how long I could keep up the act. In my mind I know it's over between us, the only reason it hasn't ended completely between us is because we're Platonics and once you're chosen together then that's it, unless a Darling is involved and in this case there is but nobody knows that. I know I'll have to tell someone soon but I don't know where to start.

As for Hex, nothing further had progressed in our relationship. It's hard trying to have time alone together in a prison where security is top notch. It's weighing on the both of us, the lack of contact as well as conversation slowly driving us both insane. The only time we have together are the two minute walks to and from his cell, leaving us very little time for anything else in between. The occasional kiss and touch every now and then but even that's too risky, we can't risk getting carried away.

Josie had kept her promise and kept the secret about Hex and I, although I'm sure Harvey knows. I ran into him the other week at the shops and the look he gave me while I said hello threw me off. Not in a bad way, I just didn't expect him to know but I coud tell he did. Josie tried her best to move around the days schedule in an attmpt for Hex and I to have some time alone once she noticed my quiet mood when I returned from taking Hex from his cell but it was useless.

"There's that weasel" Josie mumbles from beside me, our backs are against the brick wall and the sun bright in our eyes. I look over and catch the gangster saunter of Aaron as he walks up to his group, he must've just got out of Solitary after his thirty days from instigating the fight with Hex. Hopefully a total of sixty days in isolation had done him good and he'd give it a rest on the fighting.

"Josie" I say disapprovingly while shoving my shoulder into hers gently. She snickers.

"Don't you want to beat his ass for what he did to Hex?" she questions "I'd throw down if someone did that to Harvey, male or female". I look over at Hex at his usual seat at the table, cigarette moving to and from his mouth.

I shrug "I mean, I don't like him but Hex can handle himself" I say as I eye his arms that bulge when he moves. He looks up from scratching something into the table when he feels the heat of my gaze.

His eyes smoulder as they hit mine, the lack of intimancy between us really taking a toll as our resistance is hanging by a thread.

"Alright, alright" Josie shoves me, ripping apart the eye contact between Hex and I "the whole Yard can see you two eye fucking each other" my eyes zip around the yard quickly, making sure no one is actually looking as my heart pounds in a panic.

"Girl's" a voice barks from besides us, making the both of us jump.

"Reg, hi" Josie breathes as he scared her.

"We're doing a shake down today, while the inmate's are in the Yard. Look for sharps, phones and drugs, there have been reports someone's been sneaking it in. Had an overdose last night and confirmed it was heroin, Hellbound's going into strict lockdown until we find the source". Reg's voice echos through the Yard, the turning of heads from inmate's confirm that they heard it, some of their face's paling.

I look over Reg's shoulder and see Hex watching us, his fists clenched. My own heart sinks knowing that for an unlimited amount of time that it would be even harder to get my fix of him.

"Sure thing" Josie answers for the both of us, sensing the lump in my throat. Reg walks away; his hands linked behind his back as he walks over to a group of inmate's and tells them to cut out whatever they're doing.

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